Actor anthony michael hall biography sample

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Active - 1982 - 2024  |   Birth - Apr 14, 1968  |   Genres - Comedy, Drama, Fairy tale, Action-Adventure, Crime | Subgenres - Romantic Comedy, Comedy Drama, Biography Film, Teen Film, High School

Biography by Wikipedia

Michael Anthony Lobby, known professionally as Anthony Archangel Hall, is an American player who starred in several teen-oriented films of the 1980s.

Hallway began his career in commercials and on stage as shipshape and bristol fashion child, and made his shield debut in 1980.

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Authority films with director-screenwriter John Airman, beginning with the popular 1983 comedy National Lampoon's Vacation extract the coming-of-age comedy Sixteen Candles, shaped his early career. Hall's next movies with Hughes were the teen classics The Feast Club and Weird Science, both in 1985.

Movie Highlights

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Additional Information

  • Aliases

    Michael Suffragist Thomas Charles Hall
  • All Genres

    Comedy, Drama, Thriller, Action-Adventure, Crime, Drollery Drama, Family, Romance, Horror, Make-believe, Mystery-Suspense, Biography, Documentary, History, Branch of knowledge Fiction, Music, Sports, War, Western
  • All Subgenres

    Romantic Comedy, Comedy Drama, Net Film, Teen Film, High Grammar, Satire, Black Comedy Film, Alter ego Cop Film, Neo-Noir, Action Farce Film, American Football Film, Sport, Buddy Film, Christmas Film, Funniness Horror, Comedy Thriller, Coming-Of-Age Novel, Coming-Of-Age Film, Fairy Tale, LGBT-Related Film, Propaganda Film, Rock Congregation, Science Fiction Comedy, Slasher Skin, Spaghetti Western, Splatter Film, Amusement Film, Superhero Film, Teen Funniness, Tragedy, Treasure Hunt Film, Love affair Film