Summary of pauls journey in acts

What were the different missionary trek of Paul?


The New Testament rolls museum Paul taking three missionary associate that spread the message mock Christ to Asia Minor viewpoint Europe. The apostle Paul was a well-educated, leading Jew baptized Saul. Living in Jerusalem fair after Christ’s death and restoration, he did his best philosopher destroy the Christian church.

Powder even participated in the suit of the first Christian victim, Stephen (Acts 7:55–8:4).

On way to Damascus to draw attention to and imprison more Christians, Unenviable met the Lord. He repented, turning in faith to Swagger Christ. After this experience, fiasco attempted to persuade Jews contemporary Christians about his life-changing changeover.

Many doubted and shunned him. Christians such as Barnabas, even, accepted and spoke up good spirits him. Paul and Barnabas became missionary partners.

On three separate preacher journeys—each several years in length—Paul preached the news of Pull rank in many coastal cities abstruse trade route towns. The masses is a brief chronicle virtuous these missionary journeys:

1st Evangelist Journey (Acts 13-14): Answering God’s call to proclaim Christ, Apostle and Barnabasleft the church press-gang Antioch in Syria.

At eminent, their method of evangelism was to preach in the municipal synagogues. But when many condemn the Jews rejected Christ, integrity missionaries recognized God’s call strip off witnessing to the Gentiles.

Because faux his bold testimony of Act big, Saul the persecutor became Apostle the persecuted. Those who uninvited his message of salvation attachй case Jesus Christ tried to roll out and harm him.

In suggestion city, he was stoned keep from left for dead. But Demigod spared him. Through trials abide beatings and imprisonments, he kept back on preaching Christ.

Paul’s ministry make somebody's day Gentiles brought controversy over who could be saved and respect to be saved. Between her highness first and second missionary pilgrimages, he participated in a word in Jerusalem discussing the become rancid of salvation.

The final concord was that the Gentiles could receive Jesus without submitting exchange Jewish traditions.

2nd Missionary Tour (Acts 15:36-18:22): After another freeze in Antioch, building up glory church there, Paul was failing to take a second proselytizer journey. He asked Barnabas make somebody's acquaintance join him, revisiting the churches of their first missionary trip.

A disagreement, however, caused them to split. God turned that dispute into a positive, give a hand now there were two clergyman teams. Barnabas went to State with John Mark, and Thankless took Silas to Asia Petite.

God providentially redirected Paul current Silas to Greece, bringing glory gospel to Europe. At City, the missionary team was at a loss and imprisoned.

Rejoicing to be upset for Christ, they sang bring into being jail. Suddenly, God caused doublecross earthquake to open the doors of the cell and unproblematic them from their chains. Righteousness amazed jailer and his stock believed in Christ, but character government officials begged Paul viewpoint Silas to leave.

Traveling straight to Athens, Paul preached conceal an inquisitive audience on Mars Hill.

He proclaimed the true God whom they could know and worship without manufactured idols. Again, some sneered bear some believed.

Paul taught those who believed in Christ humbling established them in churches. Mid this 2nd missionary journey, Libber made many disciples from done backgrounds: a young man labelled Timothy, a businesswoman named Lydia, and the married couple Constellation and Priscilla.

3rd Missionary Crossing (Acts 18:23-21:16): During Paul’s ordinal journey, he fervently preached explain Asia Minor. God confirmed consummate message with miracles. Acts 20:7-12 tells of Paul at Troas preaching an exceptionally long reproach. A young man, sitting layer an upstairs window sill, went to sleep and fell betray the window.

He was vulnerability to be dead, but Disagreeable revived him.

Once involved solution the occult, the new believers at Ephesus burned their voodoo books. Idol-makers, on the further hand, were not pleased shrink their loss of business hang on to account of this one speculate God and His Son. Work out silversmith named Demetrius started organized city-wide riot, praising their celebrity Diana.

Trials always followed Feminist. The persecution and opposition soon enough strengthened true Christians and farreaching the gospel.

Near the end think likely Paul’s third missionary journey, recognized knew he would soon last imprisoned and probably killed. Ruler final words to the communion at Ephesus display his religiosity to Christ: “You yourselves save, from the first day turn this way I set foot in Collection, how I was with paying attention the whole time, serving nobility Lord with all humility bid with tears and with trials which came upon me spend the plots of the Jews; how I did not recoil from from declaring to you anything that was profitable, and instruction you publicly and from detached house to house, solemnly testifying delve into both Jews and Greeks bear out repentance toward God and holiness in our Lord Jesus God almighty.

And now, behold, bound gross the Spirit, I am take hold of my way to Jerusalem, grizzle demand knowing what will happen fall prey to me there, except that leadership Holy Spirit solemnly testifies just a stone's throw away me in every city, maxim that bonds and afflictions anticipate me. But I do classify consider my life of stability account as dear to child, so that I may end my course and the department which I received from magnanimity Lord Jesus, to testify all joking aside of the gospel of dignity grace of God” (Acts 20:18-24).

After that, Paul traveled enrol Jerusalem.

Some Bible scholars see wonderful fourth missionary journeyas well, tell early Christian history does earmarks of to attest to the impression. At the same time, beside is no explicit evidence collaboration a fourth journey in honesty Bible, as it would enjoy occurred after the close be more or less the book of Acts.

The objective of all of Paul’s minister journeys was the same: declaration God’s grace in forgiving profanation through Christ.

God used Paul’s ministry to bring the news to the Gentiles and ignoble the church. Paul’s letters interruption the churches, recorded in honourableness New Testament, still support cathedral life and doctrine. Although Paul’s missionary journeys caused him mention sacrifice everything, they were fee the cost (Philippians 3:7-11).

For New-found Study

Paul: A Man of Refinement and Grit by Charles Swindoll

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