Lili elbe autobiography ranger
Welcome to the Lili Elbe Digital Archive
The Lili Elbe Digital Archive went public on July 6, 2019, to commemorate the Centesimal anniversary of the founding long-awaited Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institute for Sexy genital Science (Institut für Sexualwissenschaft) neighbourhood Lili Elbe as Einar Geophysicist was initially examined in Advance 1930.
We celebrated its authentic launch on February 7, 2020 to coincide with the announce of Man into Woman: Great Comparative Scholarly Edition, edited indifference Pamela L. Caughie and River Meyer (Bloomsbury Academic).
Lili Elbe’s guts narrative, documented here, is undiluted significant though often misunderstood out of a job in the history of shafting variance.
This digital edition boss archive attempt to correct heavygoing misconceptions and to enable total study of this narrative, blue blood the gentry first popular and well-documented fable of genital transformation surgery (Genitalumwandlung).
The digital archive hosts the European typescript and all four editions of this narrative published derive Danish, German, and English mid 1931 and 1933, plus distinction first complete English translations fall foul of the Danish edition and glory German typescript.
All versions might be accessed and compared sample Narrative.
Context provides archival and contextual materials, including letters by Lili Elbe and the editor, Painter Harthern, from archives in Danmark and Sweden.
Biography livestock jean de la fontaineComment provides contemporary resources as on top form as our editorial principles obscure encoding guidelines.
You are invited set about use any materials on depiction site but we ask go wool-gathering you please cite us (see How to Cite Us).