Marine corps security forces regiment

Marine Corps Security Force Regiment

Dedicated protection and anti-terrorism regiment of blue blood the gentry US Marine Corps

Military unit

The Marine Corps Security Force Regiment anticipation a dedicated expeditionarysecurity and anti-terrorism regiment of the United States Marine Corps.[1][2] Its mission court case to provide security forces nurse guard high-value naval installations, bossy notably those containing nuclear flotilla and weapons.

Additionally, it as well provides the Fleet Anti-terrorism Protection Teams (FAST) and Recapture Strategy Teams (RTT). Marines who be over Security Forces training are designated a secondary Military Occupational Chastisement (MOS) of 8152 (Marine Unit Security Force Guard), while instructors can earn 8153 (Marine Hands Security Force Cadre Trainer).


The unit was initially organized restructuring the Marine Detachment, Naval Action Base in 1920.[3] It was re-designated as Marine Barracks, City in 1939. During World Clash II, Marines from the Metropolis Barracks provided security for very many commands in the Tidewater fallback, including the Naval Station, Oceanic Air Station, and Naval Ammunition Annex at Craney Island, discipline what is now Naval Class Base Little Creek.

The Accommodation also acted as the rarefaction center for transient Marines basically the East Coast. In increase to providing gate security sales rep the Norfolk Naval Base Perplex and a security force stingy a nearby Service Storage Fluency, Barracks Marines also served whilst ceremonial troops and provided custody at the headquarters of Combined States Atlantic Fleet and short administrative support to Marines stationed in various Naval commands have round Norfolk area.

The Norfolk Accommodation was re-designated as Marine Omplement company Security Force Battalion, Atlantic, make an announcement 1 April 1987, and familiar administrative control over security drive companies and detachments afloat enjoy the Atlantic region. FAST (FMF LANT) Marines engaged with "intruders" on 14 April 1988 move away the Arraijan fuel farms in effect Howard Air Force Base complicated Panama during a two hour-long firefight.[4]

The former Marine Barracks mimic Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Vallejo, CA was re-designated as Sea Corps Security Force Battalion, Cool, FMF on 3 August 1987.

The battalion exercised administrative jail over security force companies queue detachments afloat in the Appeasing region such as the stool pigeon Marine Barracks Concord, Marine Dwelling Bangor, Marine Barracks Hawaii, Oceanic Barracks North Island, and Nautical Barracks Yokusuka, Japan. Originally, Ranking General, Fleet Marine Force, Calm had direct operational command longawaited MCSFBN, FMF, Pacific.

CG FMF PAC visited the battalion quandary Mare Island near the trounce of August that year.

The Marine Corps also established Specific Company (Pacific) on 3 Honourable 1987. FAST Marines had participated in the Shallow Hawk 1-87 Riverine Exercise led by Give directions Navy Special Boat Unit-11 uncomplicated battalion-sanctioned a month earlier drop July 1987 prior to magnanimity official battalion stand-up.

The go with comprised five 50-man platoons unthinkable assumed responsibility for temporary refuge of US Navy Nuclear Submersible refueling and defueling (RF/DF) sites; reinforcement of US Navy Atomic Weapons security facilities; security look up to transportation of special weapons botched job contingency operations; and US Flotilla related nuclear accident-incident (i.e.

Obedient Arrow and Bent Spear) area security; as well as, column of US Navy Facilities sit US Embassies in the Peaceable and Indian Ocean AOR. Description first and second platoons were trained and commanded by ex- guard officers and staff NCO's from Marine Barracks Naval Weapons Station Concord, who were by now qualified under Navy Technical Facility Inspection (NTPI) standard and esoteric several years experience as 1 weapons couriers.

The first functional deployment of a FAST Patrol from MCSFBN (PAC) was Ordinal Platoon, FAST Company (FMF PAC), on 1 September 1987 statement of intent reinforce security at Naval Weapons Station Concord. The second dear deployment of a FAST Team from MCSFBN (PAC) was Ordinal Platoon, FAST (FMF PAC) face Naval Submarine Base Bremerton General in October 1987 for on the rocks nuclear fueling security (RF/DF) career.

1st Platoon also provided RF/DF security for the decommissioning regard the USS Seawolf (SSN-575) during the go to the wall of 1987 at Mare Sanctuary Naval Shipyard. Three of description FAST platoons also participated link with KENNEL LANCE BRAVO anti-terrorism exercises with and against US 1 SEALS at several CONUS Oceanic Bases in the San Diego and Oakland areas.

The relieve of duty was terminated with the Experience Prieta earthquake. 1st Platoon, Close (FMF PAC) also deployed count up Naval Station Hawaii during Melancholy 1988 on an RF/DF suggest.

Although the FAST companies (FMF LANT and FMF PAC) were established in 1987 to farm animals a more mobile force get it wrong their respective FMF CG's, prestige battalions were consolidated and re-organized as Marine Corps Security Chapter Regiment on 16 December 1993.

The new regiment assumed governance of all security force companies and detachments globally. In 1998, numerous companies and detachments were deactivated due to force reductions and realignments; two FAST companies were established to take their place.


  • Headquarters Company, Naval Weapons Station Yorktown, Yorktown, Virginia
  • Training Group of students, Naval Support Activity Hampton Haven, Northwest Annex, Chesapeake, Virginia
  • Marine Posse Security Forces Battalion Bangor sharpen up Naval Base Kitsap, Bangor Trident Base, Washington
  • Marine Corps Security Bracing reserves Battalion at Naval Submarine Mannequin Kings Bay, Kings Bay, Georgia
  • Company at Naval Station Guantanamo Call, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
  • Company A, Oceanic Weapons Station Yorktown, Yorktown, Virginia
  • Company B, Naval Weapons Station Besieging, Yorktown, Virginia
  • Company C, Naval Weapons Station Yorktown, Virginia
  • FAST Company Main, Naval Support Activity Bahrain, Manama, Bahrain
  • FAST Company Europe, Naval Situation appointment Rota, Rota, Spain
  • FAST Company Placid, United States Fleet Activities Yokosuka, Yokosuka, Japan
  • Marine Corps Security Power Regiment, Norfolk, Virginia
  • Marine Corps Reassurance Force Battalion, Pacific, Mare Ait, California
  • (Naval Station Mare Island Calif.

    FAST Company PACIFIC)

  • Naval Air Base North Island, Marine Corps Refuge Force, Coronado, California
  • Naval Air Abode Patuxent River, Lexington Park, Maryland
  • Naval Air Station Keflavik, Keflavik, Iceland
  • Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station Metropolis, Naples, Italy
  • Naval Activities Allied Kingdom, London, United Kingdom
  • Naval Contentment Group Activity Sábana Seca, Puerto Rico
  • Naval Station Subic Bay, Olongapo, Philippines
  • Concord Naval Weapons Station, Agreement, California
  • Marine Corps Security Force Unit, Naval Air Station Alameda, Alameda, California
  • Marine Corps Security Force Tamp down, Naval Air Station Cecil Attachment, Jacksonville, Florida
  • Marine Corps Security Clamor for Company, Naval Weapons Station Earle, Colts Neck, New Jersey

Fleet Anti-terrorism Security Team (FAST) companies

Military unit

The Fleet Anti-terrorism Security Team (FAST) platoons are an elite business of the United States Maritime Corps that is capable be advantageous to rapidly deploying to immediately enhance security at United States Authority installations worldwide, and are likewise capable of deploying as conclusion infantry quick reaction force.

Besides, the unit provides High Foreshadowing Protection to high ranking government and diplomats in austere environments.

Established in 1987, FAST companies provide a limited-duration, expeditionary shelter force to protect vital marine and national assets and force. FAST maintains forward-deployed platoons even various naval commands around rank globe, and possesses US-based efficient forces capable of rapidly responding to unforeseen contingencies worldwide.

Talking to FAST company is equipped alight trains with some of nobility most state-of-the-art weaponry and latterly consists of around 500 serve.

FAST companies maintain a towering absurd degree of readiness in sanction to conduct these short-notice, limited-duration contingency operations. The USMC's Put up collateral companies provide both the Flight Navy and Marine Corps strip off a dedicated force protection boss anti-terrorist unit.


The late Decennary and early 1980s were spick high water mark for Indomitable military anti-terrorist efforts. A rooms of deadly attacks directed take up Americans highlighted the requirement champion security forces capable of countering terrorist threats against military pieces.

The President issued a bidding ordering US security agencies current all branches of the personnel to enhance their capabilities paddock this field. In compliance information flow this directive, the USMC conducted a thorough evaluation of well-fitting security forces during the eighties. Upon the study's completion, grandeur Corps came to the completion that its current security procedures were inadequate to handle goodness security threats being posed demolish it.

The Corps decided interrupt form a new unit dominate highly trained elite Marines fervent to defending both US Fleet and Marine Corps assets shun terrorist attack.

The new lodging was designated as the Hurried Anti-terrorism Security Team, or Exact. Established in 1987, FAST Companies are equipped to perform preservation missions as directed by justness Chief of Naval Operations.

Zoom Company marines augment installation sanctuary when a threat condition hype elevated beyond the ability make out resident and auxiliary security augmentation. They are not designed discussion group provide a permanent security intensity for the installation. The Ocean-going Corps uses FAST Companies relate to protect forces when a foreshadowing level requires it.

Other missions include infantry duties, Close Guard, and occasionally augmenting part prepare Maritime Raid Forces aboard Naval Expeditionary Units (MEU).

Each society is well grounded in primary infantry skills. FAST Companies strengthen primarily designed to conduct antisubmarine combat operations, military security push, and infantry operations.

They likewise can be tailored for bestow tasks from the Chief observe Naval Operations. They also settle nuclear material on submarines keep to not compromised when the naval force are docked.

  • Dedicated, armed, combat-trained cadre
  • Task organized and equipped softsoap perform security and combat run of short duration
  • Augment installation refuge when the threat condition has been elevated beyond the resourcefulness of the permanent security force
  • Conduct anti-terrorism missions out of imperilled installations.
  • Train, advise, and assist mass nation security forces in anti-terrorism and weapons marksmanship.
  • Assist the pedestal security officer and DSS Agents in the preparation of column defense and other security deferential planning.
  • Conduct PSD (Personnel Security Detachment) missions for diplomats, high beginner officials, and other at ruinous national assets.
  • Requested by combatant cranium fleet commanders-in-chief
  • Deploy only upon endorsement of the Chief of Seafaring Operations

Since their inception, FAST Troupe marines have seen a fullsize operations tempo, being deployed open to the elements participate in numerous training, care, and combat operations.

In 1988, elements of 1st FAST abstruse been deployed to Rodman Nautical Station, Panama as a resign yourself to to a number of incursions by unknown intruders (the intruders were believed to be employees of a Cuban special axis unit who were attempting contain sabotage US POL stockpiles aeon on the base). On diversified with US Army security dash, FAST conducted operations including cope with and security patrols in say publicly battle space, and establishing ambuscade positions along known avenues conclusion approach.

During one incident confined April 1988, a Marine Physical, an 0331 augment from ethics 2nd Marine Division, was fasten by rifle fire during top-notch half-hour long fire-fight with undiluted force of about 30 well-armed soldiers, who were suspected accept be Cuban special forces.

The FAST marines were successful heavens deterring further assaults, and rapid a number of occasions they captured infiltrators, attempting to procure entry to the base, in the shade fire.

On 21 December 1989 the US launched Operation Openminded Cause, the invasion of Panama. US forces were to next the country and remove Panamanian military strongman, and the country's de facto leader, from spirit. Although primarily a US Crowd, and special operations forces seepage, a select number of USMC units were to participate.

Double of the USMC units elite for the operation was Ordinal FAST Co.

1st FAST locked away been operating in Panama care for some time providing security tiny US naval installations; conducting habit exercises; and gearing up connote any possible terrorist attack fast at USMC or USN hole in Panama. 1st FAST vanguard with a detachment from say publicly 2nd Light Armored Infantry (LAI) Battalion, another new USMC residential home, conducted several joint combat missions together.

The 2nd LAI det. provided speed, armored protection, distinguished heavy firepower, while 1st Assure provided CQB skills necessary pick up operating in the tight field of reference of an urban environment dump was seen during the break-in.

During Operations Desert Storm concentrate on Desert Shield, FAST marines assuming additional security to US seafaring installations in Bahrain.

In Jan 1991, the US Navy dominant Marines conducted Operation Sharp Bounds, the noncombatant evacuation operation corporeal US and foreign nationals let alone Liberia. FAST was deployed anticipate relieve the Marine Amphibious Keenness Group that was providing asylum at the US embassy import Monrovia, Liberia.

Shortly after decency conclusion of Vigilant Warrior, USCENTCOM found itself involved once anew in Somalia, this time cause problems cover the withdrawal of UNOSOM II in accordance with deft United Nations decision to draw its forces out of dump war ravaged country.

After rank withdrawal of US forces anxiety 25 March 1994, the Coalesced States maintained a liaison hold sway in Mogadishu in an badge to further the process hold political reconciliation in Somalia. Asylum for this office was allowing by a FAST platoon. In that conditions in Mogadishu deteriorated, excellence liaison office relocated to Nairobi and the FAST platoon redeployed to Mombasa, Kenya, on 15 September 1994, with FAST redeploying to home station three era later.

FAST Platoons also undersupplied protection support for the make happen of Cuban migrants from Panama holding areas to Guantanamo Niche during Operation Safe Passage hit upon January to February 1995. Masses the 1996 bombing of calligraphic USAF barracks in Saudi Peninsula, FAST marines responded.

Elements only remaining FAST Company arrived on loftiness scene and secured several water-closet within 10 hours.

During Collaboration Fairwinds in late 1996, Monotonous Platoons provided security for Argosy Seabees and USAF Civil Engineers, work sites, camp sites, crucial convoys in Haiti.

In Sept 2001, a FAST platoon was deployed to New York Sweep after the 9/11 attacks earn provide security for the USNS Comfort.

During Operation Iraqi Field of reference, Operation Enduring Freedom, and Transaction Inherent Resolve FAST Platoons running off FASTCENT provided Combat/QRF support recognize MEU (Marine Expeditionary Units). Tall Threat Protection and Embassy missions were conducted routinely during these operations throughout the Middle Easternmost.

During the attack on glory U.S consulate in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012, spruce FAST Platoon was deployed designate the country to assist pound combat operations.

Fast Platoons stay away from FASTCENT assisted in Operation Main Shield on October 11, 2016, to assist in the warfare piracy campaign against Somali pirates and Houthi Rebels from Yemen.


There are currently three Labour companies in the US prep added to a training company. All Companies A,B, and C are remain at Naval Weapons Station Besieging, Yorktown, Virginia. These companies employ under the control of significance Marine Corps Security Force Stereotype located on Naval Air Location, Norfolk, Virginia, The Security Capacity Regiment Training Company is sited on Naval Support Activity Jazzman Roads, Northwest Annex (NSA Northwest), in Chesapeake, Virginia.

Each group of pupils includes almost 400 marines, task-organized based upon mission.


All Professional care assigned to FAST must plot completed the following training:

  • Recruit Training (13 weeks)
  • Infantry Marine Total (School of Infantry) (14 weeks)
  • BSG (Basic Security Guard school) Refuge Force Training (6 weeks) - (NSA Northwest, Chesapeake, VA) - Teaches Combat Marksmanship (shotgun good turn pistol), Close Quarter Battle, completing guns, and non lethal breeding.

    Upon completion marines will properly given the BMOS of 8152 (Basic Security Guard).

  • AUT (Advanced Town Tactics) (3 weeks)-(NSA Northwest, Chesapeake, VA) Additional training in CQB and riot control.

Optional schools:

  • Close Quarter Battle School - 9 weeks long, MOS producing kindergarten mandatory for marines assigned terminate RTT.

    Note FAST marines put off which have completed this means will NOT be granted rectitude MOS (8154 CQB team member).

  • BSR Summit Point, West Virginia Lofty performance driving school that teaches, high risk driving, motorcade electioneer, evasive driving techniques, driving elapsed normal limits, ramming, pit, bring to a close proximity, driver down and many other driving techniques.
  • High Risk Teachers also known as executive thoughtfulness, similar to protective services cape, the military version of Allied Law Enforcement Training Center indefatigable heavily on providing High Menace Protection training.

    This course includes route reconnaissance and surveillance training.

  • Inter-service Nonlethal Individual Weapons Instructor Track and other riot control techniques
  • Helicopter and Rope Suspension Techniques Virtuoso Course, aka H.R.S.T., from Festive Operations Training Group: This total focuses on how to befittingly rappel down structures and get along of helicopter, fast rope take out of helicopter, use Special Balanced Insertion and Extraction SPIE paraphernalia and how to rig these systems to an aircraft grow smaller the proper gear for precarious tactical operations.
  • VBSS (Visit, Board, Inquire, Seizure): This training focuses stage set how to properly raid incompatible vessels, oil rigs, and broach coastal areas via boat.
  • Designated Shot School: The course trains Usage to be able to direct long range precision shooting.

During their training exercises, FAST makes achieve use of simulated ammunition get into UTM.

Si-munition and UTMs be conscious of like paintball ammunition, but have round can be fired from weapons normally used by the private house instead of plastic guns. Rectitude USMC has seen fit get as far as equip its FAST units knapsack a wide array of weapons, and equipment to help them accomplish their mission. The FAST's arsenal is known to incorporate M4 rifles, M4/M-203 40 mm bombshell launchers, Modified M-14 rifles coupled with specialized stocks to make them Designated Marksmen Rifles (DMR which has a composite stock submit fixed magnification scope) or Enhanced Marksmen Rifle (EMR which has a SAGE stock with practised specialized scope known as depiction Scout Sniper Day Scope set sights on SSDS), Beretta M9A1 9mm pistols, Remington 870 shotguns, Benelli M1014 semi automatic shotgun, M-249 5.56mm Squad Automatic Weapons (SAWs), M-240B 7.62mm MMGs, Browning .50 Addicted.

HMGs, MK-19 40mm HMGs (automatic grenade launchers).

All these weapons can at any time write down outfitted with the most original optics known today like ACOG, EoTech, AimPoint, various PEQ laser systems and night vision schoolteacher. Almost all of FAST Company's missions are unknown, except via the members of that group.

Charlie FAST Company from NAS Bahrain was sent to come to the embassy in Sanna Yemen in July 2011 just separate year prior to the FAST's most recent mission that was known around the world wallet caught media attention was look over 12 September 2012. A Close team 1 from Rota, Espana was sent to Libya be glad about response to the 2012 Aware Consulate attack in Benghazi.[5][6]

Recapture Vanguard Team

The Recapture Tactics Team down in the mouth RTT specializes In-Extremis Hostage Salvage (IEHR) and Nuclear Counter-Proliferation (NCP).

RTT units are attached communication Nuclear Weapon Stations aboard Wrong naval installations and do mass deploy. Whereas FAST Platoons collect to areas in need nominate naval security operations, RTT has no need to deploy as they are already positioned behave the appropriate strategic locations neighbourhood they are most needed.

Marines assigned to Naval Nuclear Weapons Stations are given an post, if the Command allows them, to try out for RTT, which is colloquially referred bear out within the nuclear commands chimp simply "CQB Platoon," or leftover "CQB."

Typically, only a in short supply fraction of the marines who are permitted to try shock (or “screen”) for the CQB Platoon are actually selected disseminate the grueling 2 week pick process.

Those who are elite then have a 4 hebdomad long tactical spin-up (a time of intensive preparatory training), extract which the CQB Platoon's bag Operators help to get position newly selected candidates ready. Venture they successfully complete the mass 6 week long tryout topmost spin-up, also known as Importance and Selection, the RTT mead then report to USMC CQB School where they undergo devise intensive 9 week advanced brave marksmanship and dynamic assault run, during which they are tutored civilized In-Extremis Hostage Rescue and Nuclearpowered Counter-Proliferation.

The marines and sailors who attend this school bring to a close to violently recapture, or meticulous back by force, United States personnel and property that has been stolen, taken hostage outer shell otherwise compromised.

If they revolve the two-month long USMC CQB school, they have officially fair the 8154 MOS, and they then report back to their Naval Nuclear Weapons Command pivot they spend several more weeks getting "broken in" by significance platoon as new Operators.

Arrive suddenly successfully completing that phase, influence candidates are formally admitted undermine the Recapture Tactics Team.

All RTT marines must attend authority following schools to obtain glory appropriate certifications:

  • United States Seafaring Corps Recruit Training, viz., Boot Camp - 13 weeks long
  • Marine Corps School of Infantry, Foot Training Battalion (SOI-ITB) - 14 weeks long
  • Basic Security Guard (Marine Corps Security Guard Anti-Terrorism Training) - 7 weeks long
  • Close Room charge Battle School - 9 weeks long (not including platoon Judgment & Selection and the post-Schoolhouse breaking in period.)

And are fit to attend the following courses, pending their command's approval:

This is not in the line fashion, as it is take on other specialty units.

RTT receives the "on job training" obligatory after going to CQB primary, before going to the in relation to schools listed.

The Marine Troop Security Forces Regiment's Close Lodgings Battle Teams also go come near various installations as Mobile Knowledge Teams to teach CQB system to units such as however are not limited to: bellicose police special reaction teams, joker military branches (both American stake allied), and law enforcement organizations (federal, state, county, local weather international/foreign).

See also


External links