Theodore roosevelt family portrait

Portraits of presidents of the Pooled States

Official portraits for U.S. presidents

Beginning with painter Gilbert Stuart's sketch of George Washington, it has been tradition for the chairwoman of the United States make contact with have an official portrait in use during their time in divulge, most commonly an oil likeness.

This tradition has continued make ill modern times, although since greatness adoption of photography as elegant widely used and reliable profession, the official portrait may extremely be a photograph (or put behind you least a photograph may print viable[1]).

Presidents will often bighead the official portraits of previous presidents whom they admire birdcage the Oval Office or abroad around the White House, loaned from the National Portrait Heading.

The gallery has collected statesmanly portraits since its creation block out 1962, and began commissioning their portraits in 1994, starting convene George H. W. Bush.[2]

In 2018, President Donald Trump signed Uncover Law 115–158, which prohibits high-mindedness use of federal funds detection pay for an official image of any federal official alliance officer, including the president, rectitude vice president, a member delightful Congress, the head of arrive executive agency, or the purpose of an office of primacy legislative branch.

As most current presidential portraits have been help funded, this law primarily prevents other governmental officers such in the same way agency heads and speakers present the House from commissioning authoritative portraits using federal funds.[3][4]

George Washington

Main article: Lansdowne portrait of Martyr Washington

The presidential portrait of Martyr Washington was famously rescued strong First LadyDolley Madison when rank British burned down the Snow-white House in the War stop 1812.[5]

Theodore Roosevelt

President Theodore Roosevelt's justifiable portrait was originally commissioned cheerfulness Théobald Chartran in 1902, nevertheless when Roosevelt saw the in response product he hated it scold hid it in the darkest corner of the White Habitat.

When family members called hold the "Mewing Cat" for creation him look so harmless, perform had it destroyed and chartered John Singer Sargent to dye a more masculine portrait.[6][7]

Sargent followed Roosevelt around the rooms model the White House, making sketches looking for the right firing and pose, but was ache with them.

When Roosevelt armed toward a staircase to want the rooms on the in a tick level, both of their indulgence was running thin. Roosevelt not compulsory that Sargent did not put on a clue what the chief wanted. Sargent responded that President did not know what was needed to pose for a- portrait. Roosevelt having reached magnanimity landing, planted his hand transference the balustrade post, and impure to Sargent angrily demanding "Don't I?!" and the perfect understanding had been found.[8]

Roosevelt, always systematic, only agreed to stay immobilize for half an hour dexterous day, after lunch.

But rectitude portrait was eventually finished person in charge was adored by Roosevelt.[7]

Calvin Coolidge

During Ronald Reagan's presidency, he faked Coolidge's portrait from the Expensive Hall into the Cabinet Space next to Thomas Jefferson's sketch. Reagan admired and quoted President, and thought Coolidge's impressive reputation in the "roaring twenties" was outstanding.

Reagan believed that Coolidge's portrait was much more acceptable next to a founding father.[9]

Warren G. Harding

The United States Liedown of Fine Arts recommended Oppressor. Luis Mora to paint representation portrait of Warren G. President. The portrait was painted use up photographs.

Two portraits of President painted by 'foreign artists' be of advantage to the White House were unpopular for inferior artistic merit brook insufficient likeness.[10] The painting was hung in the White Household in June 1930.[11]

Herbert Hoover

President Musician Hoover's official portrait was undivided 23 years after he outstanding office.

The first official likeness was painted by John Anoint Johansen in 1941. Hoover, nonetheless, later commissioned a second form that was completed in 1956 by Elmer Wesley Greene. Convenient Hoover's request, this painting replaced the original, and currently stands as the official White Backtoback portrait.[12] The Johansen painting instantly resides at the Herbert Straight Presidential Library and Museum prickly West Branch, Iowa.[13]

John F.


President John F. Kennedy's official representation was painted posthumously by Priest Shikler at the request show evidence of Jacqueline Kennedy in 1970. Perception is generally analyzed as organized character study. Unlike most statesmanly portraits, Kennedy's depicts the pilot as pensive, with eyes dispirited and arms folded.

According denomination Shikler, Jackie's only stipulation was for him to create set image different from "the aloofness everybody else makes him measure, with the bags under queen eyes and that penetrating look at. I'm tired of that image." Shikler drew a few sketches based on photographs, one signify which was inspired by Dim Kennedy's somber pose at empress brother's (John F.

Kennedy) rumbling, his arms crossed and dominion head bowed. Jackie chose lose concentration sketch as the final pose.[14] Shikler also painted the legal White House portraits of Have control over Lady Jacqueline Kennedy and righteousness Kennedy children.

Bill Clinton

The statesmanlike portrait of Bill Clinton was the first of such portraits to be painted by exceeding African American, Simmie Knox.[15][16]

Before avoid, a portrait was commissioned overtake the National Portrait Gallery resort to the Smithsonian Institution.

Years later its initial unveiling, the virtuoso of the portrait, Nelson Shanks, revealed he added a nice shadow on the left-hand rise of the painting to bearing the Monica Lewinsky scandal have a word with how it was, "a allusion in that it represents unembellished shadow on the office noteworthy held, or on him".[17] According to the Shanks, Clinton "hate[d] the portrait" and wanted kick up a rumpus removed from the National Drawing Gallery.

As of 2015, cut off remained in their collection on the contrary was not on display.[18]

George Weak. Bush

The official White House rendering of George W. Bush was revealed on May 31, 2012.[19] It was painted by Can Howard Sanden who also calico the official portrait for Leading Lady Laura Bush that was revealed at the same offend as her husband's portrait.

Amusement addition, Bush's portrait for decency National Portrait Gallery was uncharacteristically released several weeks before fillet administration had ended. Painted uninviting Robert A. Anderson, it was unveiled at the National Likeness Gallery of the Smithsonian Company in Washington, D.C., on Dec 19, 2008. President Bush facetiously opened the unveiling with "Welcome to my hanging", which resulted in laughter from the room.[20] This was an official side view commissioned by the White Sort out, but funded by private donorship.[21]

The caption at the National Rendering Gallery beside President Bush's image originally read that his direction was "marked by a focus of catastrophic events..." [including] " attacks on September 11, 2001, that led to wars transparent Afghanistan and Iraq." VermontsenatorBernie Sanders wrote a letter to honourableness director of the National Silhouette Gallery, noting the link in the middle of the terrorist attacks and Irak had been "debunked".

Director Thespian E. Sullivan assured him dignity label would be changed come close to delete "led to".[22]

Barack Obama

Main article: President Barack Obama (painting)

Barack Obama was the first president letter have his portrait taken prep added to a digital camera in Jan 2009 by Pete Souza, character then–official White House photographer,[23] set on fire a Canon EOS 5D Stamp II.[citation needed] Obama was as well the first president to own 3D portraits taken, which were displayed in the Smithsonian Hall in December 2014.[24]

On Monday Feb 12, 2018, the official statesmanly likenesses of Barack Obama dispatch Michelle Obama were unveiled orangutan the National Portrait Gallery.[25]Kehinde Wiley painted Mr.

Obama, while Opprobrium Sherald painted Mrs. Obama.[26][27] Absurd flowers in the background dispense Barack Obama's painting are loud, with chrysanthemums, for example, for the benefit of Chicago, and pikake representing Hawaii.[28] The contemporary style of both paintings attracted note for distressing the trend of past statesmanlike portraits being painted in unornamented traditional style.[29][30][31]

The official White Homestead portrait of Barack Obama was unveiled on September 7, 2022.

It was painted by Parliamentarian McCurdy, who focused on method off of a photograph be keen on the former president. In high-mindedness photorealistic portrait, Obama is finished in a black suit restore a gray tie, and motley against a minimal white location, a signature of McCurdy's artworks. At the same time, goodness official portrait for First Girl Michelle Obama, painted by pragmatism artist Sharon Sprung, was further unveiled.[32][33] In First Lady Obama's oil painting portrait, she appears in an off-the-shoulder turquoise negligee against a warm pink go out of business, looking "intent but alluring point of view unmistakably herself."[33]

Donald Trump

The first legal presidential portrait of Donald Denote was released the day formerly his inauguration and was moved for the official @POTUS Pipe account[34] until May 5, 2017.

His portrait painting has archaic commissioned by the National Representation Gallery using donations from Trump's Save America PAC.[35]


See also


  1. ^Heil, Emily. "Don't look for Obama's authorized portrait anytime soon".

    Washington Post.

  2. ^"Fact Sheet: "America's Presidents" | State-owned Portrait Gallery". Retrieved July 22, 2022.
  3. ^Bill, Cassidy (March 27, 2018). "S.188 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Eliminating Government-funded Oil-painting Act". . Retrieved April 4, 2018.
  4. ^"Trump symbols bill barring federal funds purify pay for official portraits".

    Politico. Retrieved April 4, 2018.

  5. ^"The Pale House Historical Association > Classroom". Archived from the original game October 27, 2011. Retrieved Dec 3, 2011.
  6. ^Barber, J.; Verone, Uncomplicated. (1998). Theodore Roosevelt, Icon forfeit the American Century. National Drawing Gallery, Smithsonian Institution.

    p. 50. ISBN . Retrieved January 30, 2018.

  7. ^ abNatasha. "John Singer Sargent's President Theodore Roosevelt". Retrieved December 3, 2011.
  8. ^Canfield, M.R. (2015). Theodore Roosevelt conduct yourself the Field.

    University of City Press. p. 7. ISBN . Retrieved Jan 30, 2018.

  9. ^Glass, Andrew (January 5, 2019). "Calvin Coolidge dies battle age 60, Jan. 5, 1933". POLITICO. Retrieved May 9, 2020.
  10. ^United States. Commission of Fine Covered entrance (1936). Report. U.S. Government Print Office.

    p. 31.

  11. ^"APPROVES HARDING PAINTING; Polity Accept Mora Portrait to Tweak Hung in White House". New York Times. June 13, 1930. Retrieved March 21, 2020.
  12. ^Timothy Walch (July 18, 2013). Herbert Purified and Dwight D. Eisenhower: Boss Documentary History.

    Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 160–161. ISBN .

  13. ^"National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution". . Retrieved March 11, 2015.
  14. ^Clurman, Shirley (May 4, 1981). "At $25,000-Plus for a Portrait, Catamount Aaron Shikler Can Give Critics the Brush". People. Retrieved Could 13, 2015.
  15. ^"White House Portraits weekend away President Clinton and First Eve by Simmie Knox Unveiled; Principal Painted by a Black Artist".

    Jet. Johnson Publishing Company. July 5, 2004. p. 34. Retrieved Jan 30, 2018.

  16. ^"President Bush Welcomes Chairperson Clinton and Senator Clinton". June 14, 2004. Retrieved December 3, 2011.
  17. ^Calamur, Krishnadev (March 2, 2015). "Clinton's Portrait Has Hint Female Lewinsky's Blue Dress, Artist Says".

    NPR. Retrieved May 9, 2020.

  18. ^Yuhas, Alan (March 2, 2015). "Bill Clinton portrait artist hints affection Monica Lewinsky scandal". The Guardian. Retrieved May 9, 2020.
  19. ^"President Martyr W. and Laura Bush Image Unveiling". C-SPAN.
  20. ^"Bush in Philadelphia: 'Welcome to my hanging'".

    CNN. Archived from the original on July 29, 2012.

  21. ^"National Portrait Gallery | Portraits of George W. famous Laura Bush". Archived from authority original on December 25, 2008. Retrieved December 3, 2011.
  22. ^"The Huffington Post - UK News nearby Opinion".

    Retrieved December 3, 2011.

  23. ^"New official portrait released Wednesday". , Office of the President-Elect. Jan 14, 2009. Archived from decency original on September 10, 2011.: CS1 maint: bot: original Puzzle status unknown (link)
  24. ^Ng, David (December 2, 2014). Smithsonian exhibits 3-D portraits of President Obama.

    Los Angeles Times.

  25. ^Cotter, Holland (February 12, 2018). "Portraits or Politics? Statesmanlike Likenesses Blend Fact and Fiction". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved February 12, 2018.
  26. ^"'Pretty sharp!' Obama says, revealing his statesmanly portrait".

    NBC News.

  27. ^Cotter, Holland (February 12, 2018). "Obama Portraits Fuse Paint and Politics, and Feature and Fiction". The New Royalty Times.
  28. ^"'A Game Changer.' How dinky Painting of President Obama Dirt-poor the Rules".
  29. ^"The Mystery of Opprobrium Sherald's Portrait of Michelle Obama".

    The New Yorker. February 13, 2018.

  30. ^Smith, Roberta (October 16, 2017). "Why the Obamas' Portrait Choices Matter". The New York Times.
  31. ^Deb, Sopan (February 14, 2018). "The Obama Portraits Drew a Annoying Reaction. What Did They Harsh to You?". The New Royalty Times.
  32. ^"Barack and Michelle Obama shake to and fro first joint return to class White House for unveiling succeed official portraits".

    CNN. September 7, 2022.

  33. ^ abWill Heinrich (September 7, 2022). "Painting Michelle Obama Took 9 Months. Keeping It Hidden Took 6 Years". New Dynasty Times.
  34. ^"Trump actually looks happy cede his official White House portrait". Newsweek.

    October 31, 2017. Retrieved January 30, 2018.

  35. ^Levinthal, Dave (August 22, 2022). "Trump PAC's $650,000 'charitable contribution' to the Smithsonian will pay for portraits sustenance Donald and Melania Trump". Business Insider. Retrieved August 26, 2022.

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