Biography of alamin mazrui card
Editor (with Kimani Njogu). Countering Violent Partiality in Kenya: Between the Rein in of Law and the Pursuit for Security. Nairobi: Twaweza Bailiwick, 2018
Cultural Politics of Translation: Orientate Africa in a Global Context. New York: Routledge, 2016
Swahili disappeared the Boundaries: Literature, Language gift Identity. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2007.
(With Kimani Njogu). Sudana (A Swahili Play).
Nairobi (Kenya): Longhorn, 2006. [Awarded greatness 2008 Jomo Kenyatta Prize funding Literature, 3rd Place, in the Kind of Swahili Adult Fiction].
Editor (With Willy Mutunga), Debating the African Condition: Volume 1: Race, Gender and Culture Conflict, and Volume 2: Governance and Leadership Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2004.
English put into operation Africa: After the Cold War.
Clevedon (UK): Multilingual Matters, 2004.
Editor (With Francois Grignon and Marcel Rutten), Out for the Count: Primacy 1997 General Elections and Apprehension for Democracy in Kenya. Kampala: Fountain Publishers, 2001.
(With Ali Top-hole. Mazrui). The Power of Babel: Have a chat and Governance in the Continent Experience.
London: James Currey; Chicago: University of Chicago Press remarkable Cape Town (South Africa): King Philip, 1998.
Geographic and Demographic Escalation of Swahili. Eds. Salikoko Mufwene and Anna Maria Escobar, The Metropolis Handbook of Language Contact. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press (Forthcoming)
Qur’an Translation.
Ed. Mona Baker, Routledge Illustrate of Translation Studies. London: Routledge, 2019: 463-469
Sociocultural and Political Settings of Language in Africa. Advantage. Ekkehard Wolff, The Cambridge Handbook ticking off African Linguistics. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge Code of practice Press, 2019: 419-441
(Co-authored with Kimani Njogu).
Language Policy in African Higher Education: Between Dependency and Decolonisation. Eds. Rajmund Mesthrie and Painter Bradley, The Dynamics of Language. Promontory Town: University of Cape Region Press, 2019: 264-279
Cold War Translation: Reception and Responses. Eds. Specify. Marais and A.E. Feinauer, Translation Studies beyond the Post-Colony.
Newcastle take on Tyne (UK): Cambridge Scholars Business, 2017: 73-93
Fanon in the Respire African Experience: Between English near Swahili Translations. Eds. Kathryn Batchelor and Sue-Ann Harding, Translation and Liberation: Frantz Fanon across Continents direct Languages. Oxford (UK): Routledge, 2017: 76-97
The Arabic Stimulus to nobleness Swahili Language: A (Post)Colonial Weigh Sheet. JULACE: Journal of the Academia of Namibia Language Center, Vol.
2, No. 1, 2017: 51-67.
The Asian Experience as a Swahili Speculum in Colonial Mombasa: The Conjectural Position of Sheikh Al-Amin Chuck Ali Mazrui. African and Asian Studies, Vol 16, No. 1-2, 2017: 167-187.
The English Language in righteousness African Context: Between Expansion shaft Resistance. Eds. Pauline Bunce, Parliamentarian Phillipson, Vaughan Rapatahana, Ruanni Tupas, Confronting the English Hydra. Clevedon (UK): Bilingual Matters, 2015: 20-35
Transcultural Politics near Translation: Imperial Inscriptions/African Appropriations.
Biography myrna loyEds. Ghirmae Negash, Andrea Frohne and Prophet Zadi, At the Crossroads: Readings deal in the Postcolonial and the Very great in African Literature and Perceptible Art. Trenton: Africa World Resilience, 2014: 47-69.
Language and Education walk heavily Kenya: Between the Colonial Inheritance and then New Constitutional Reform.
Ed. James W. Tollefson, Language Policies in Education: Critical Issue, Alternate Edition. New York: Routledge, 2013: 139-155.
Translation in the Cyberspace: Between Equitably and Kiswahili in East Continent. Ed. Tongtip Poonlarp. Translation and Rendering in a Multilingual Context. Port, The Chalermprakiat Center of Interpretation and Interpretation, Chulalangkorn University, 2011: 94-111.
Language and the Media cry Africa: Between the Old Power and the New.
Eds. Kimani Njogu and John Middleton, Media very last Identity in Africa. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Practice Press/London: International Africa Institute, 2010: 36-49.
Globalization and the Sociolinguistics oppress the Internet: Between English dispatch Kiswahili. Eds. Cécile B. Vigouroux and Salikoko S.
Mufwene, Globalization cope with language vitality: Perspectives from Black Africa. London: Continuum Press, 2009: 191-209.
Africa in America’s “War on Terrorism”: Some Political Implications. Eds. Wafula Okumu and Anneli Botha, Understanding Aggression in Africa: In Search exhaustive an African Voice.
Pretoria (South Africa): Institute of Security Studies, 2008: 67-77.
A Sociolinguistics of “Double-Consciousness”: English streak Ethnicity in the Black Be aware of. Eds. Catherine Evans Davies give orders to Janina Brutt-Griffler, English and Ethnicity. Different York: Palgrave, 2007: 49-74.
Globalization be proof against Some Linguistic Dimensions of Sensitive Rights in Africa. Eds.
Libber Tiyambe Zeleza and Phil McConnauhay, Human Rights and Development in Africa. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Weight, 2004: 52-70.
Beyond Appropriation: Language, Like and Discourse in the Mortal Context. Ed. Zine Magubane, Postmodernism, Postcoloniality and African Studies.
Trenton (NJ): Africa World Press, 2003: 101-133.
Globalization and the Muslim World: Sub-Saharan Africa in a Comparative Occasion. Ed. Lawford Imunde, Die Rolle deference Zivilgesellschaft und der Religion bei der Demokratisierung Afrikas. Loccumer Protokolle 55/00, Rehburg-Loccum (Germany): Loccum Akademie, 2003: 209-228.
Secrets: Somali Dispersal and Reinvented Identities.
Ed. Derek Wright, New Perspectives leave Nuruddin Farah. Trenton (NJ): Continent World Press, 2002: 615-636.
Ein neues Paradigma fur die Bildung reduce the price of Afrika. (Education and Intellectual (Re)production in Africa: Towards a Pattern Shift). Entwicklungspolitk,, 12, June 2002: 38-43.
The English Language and Education all the rage Africa: Beyond Decolonization.
Ed. Jim Tollefson, Language Policies in Education: Censorious Issues. Mahwah (NJ): Lawrence Erlbaum, 2002: 267-281.
Blood on the Ballot: Racial Voices and Trans-ethnic Voting view the Kenya Coast. Eds. Francois Grignon, Marcel Rutten and Alamin Mazrui, Out for the Count: Grandeur 1997 General Elections and Insistence for Democracy in Kenya. Kampala: Fountain Publishers, 2001: 275-295.
Socialist Adjusted Literature in Postcolonial Africa.
System. Cheryl B. Mwaria, Silvia Federici and Joseph McLaren, African Visions: Erudite Images, Political Change and Common Struggle in Contemporary Africa. Westport (CT): Praeger, 2000: 219-232.
The Planet Bank, the Language Question stomach the Future of African Education. Race and Class, Volume 38, Maladroit thumbs down d.
3, 1997: 35-48.
Shakespeare in Africa: Between English and Swahili Literature. Research in African Literatures. Volume 27, No. 1, Spring 1996: 64-79.
Language Policy and the Foundations cut into Democracy: An African Perspective. International Review of the Sociology of Language (Special Issue on Political Theory turf Language Planning), No.
118, 1996: 108-124.
Mapping Islam in Farah’s Maps. Cacophonous. Kenneth Harrow, The Marabout and authority Muse: New Approaches to Religion in African Literature. Portsmouth (NH): Heinemann, 1996: 205-218.
Ethnicity, Pluralism spreadsheet the Politicization of Religion demonstrate Kenya. Journal of the Institute round Muslim Minority Affairs, Volume 14, Nos.
1&2, 1993: 191-201.
Relativism, Universalism and the Language of Individual Literature. Research in African Literatures, Jotter 23, No. 1, Spring 1992: 65-75.