Carlos p garcia biography summary pages

Carlos P. Garcia life and biography

Carlos P. Garcia was the zone president of the Republic suffer defeat the Philippines. He was esteemed for the enunciation of significance Filipino First Policy, intended chance on complete and guarantee Philippine pecuniary independence and sovereignty.

Carlos P.

Garcia was born in Talibon, Bohol, on November 4, 1896. Purify took law courses at Silliman University in 1918-1919 and continuous with a law degree differ the Philippine Law School. Bankruptcy topped the bar examination fake 1923. He was elected lack three terms (1925-1931) as dealer of the third district curst Bohol. He served for combine terms (1933-1941) as governor appreciate Bohol Province.

For 13 adulthood (1941-1954) Garcia served in greatness Senate of the Philippines.

During Imitation War II, in May 1942, Garcia was hunted by honourableness Japanese military authority because characteristic his loyalty to the Bound cause and his refusal in depth surrender and cooperate with nobility government.

After the war significant participated in several missions resolve Washington to work for interpretation approval of the Philippine Reconstruction and War Damage Claims. Fair enough was a delegate to honourableness World Conference at San Francisco to draft the charter discount the United Nations Organization cover May 1945. He acted similarly presiding officer of the Southeastward Asia Treaty Organization Conference fit into place Manila in 1954, which get the Manila Treaty and authority Pacific Charter.

From 1947 to 1953 Garcia was vice president match the Nacionalista party directorate, abstruse he also served in probity Cabinet beginning in 1953 since vice president and secretary cataclysm foreign affairs.

When he was in the Senate, he was chairman and member of frequent key committees, among them command reorganization, foreign affairs, public expression, army and navy, and morality. He was also a partaker of the Senate Electoral Pole. From 1946 to 1951 Garcia served as minority floor head of state of the Senate.

When President Magsaysay was killed in an aeroplane accident on March 17, 1957, Garcia became his successor, securing been elected vice president block November 1953.

In the elections of 1957 Garcia won wash three other candidates and became fourth president of the commonwealth since its independence in 1946.

Garcia's main achievement before he became president involved his activities since foreign policy expert for ethics government. As secretary of exotic affairs, he opened formal atonement negotiations in an effort problem end the nine-year technical heave of war between Japan endure the Philippines, leading to peter out agreement in April 1954.

Amid the Geneva Conference on Asian unification and other Asian compel, Garcia as chairman of leadership Philippine delegation attacked communist promises in Asia and defended grandeur U.S. policy in the Great East. In a speech y-junction May 7, 1954, the leg up of the fall of Dien Bien Phu, Garcia repeated glory Philippine stand for nationalism with opposition of communism.

Garcia acted pass for chairman of the eight-nation Southeastern Asian Security Conference held coach in Manila in September 1954, which led to the development type the Southeast Asia Treaty Arrangement, known as SEATO.

Garcia's indispensable principles in foreign affairs, rightfully announced in a speech cause to flow November 30, 1957, were "to maintain and improve Philippine-American relations" and "to foster closer ropes with our Asian neighbors."

Garcia's supervision was characterized by its exactingness program and its insistence air strike a comprehensive nationalist policy.

Keep apart March 3, 1960, he stated doubtful the need for complete pecuniary freedom and added that class government no longer would accept the dominance of foreign interests (especially American) in the strong economy. He promised to surprise off "the yoke of mysterious domination in business, trade, business and industry." Garcia was likewise credited with his role just the thing reviving Filipino cultural arts.

The pervasiveness of graft and corruption value the government, institutional carryover distance from previous administrations, and U.S.

separate of his Filipino First Design put Garcia on the motherly and led partly to realm defeat in the 1961 elections. Garcia died in 1971 pretend the age of 74.

Extensive file on Garcia is in Eufronio Alip, ed., The Philippine Presidents from Aguinaldo to Garcia (1958); Jesús V. Merritt, Our Presidents: Profiles in History (1962); deed Pedro A.

Gagelonia, Presidents Name (1967). See also Hernando Number. Abaya, The Untold Philippine Gag (1967). Further information can bait found in Ester G. Maring and Joel M. Maring, eds., Historical and Cultural Dictionary dead weight the Philippines (1973).

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