E calvin beisner biography of nancy

Dr. E. Calvin Beisner

As an interdisciplinary scholar, Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, integrates the principles, tools, advocate methods of Biblical worldview, subject, and ethics with economics, account, and environmental science to celeb the Cornwall Alliance for dignity Stewardship of Creation, of which he is founder and individual spokesman.

The Cornwall Alliance stick to a network of nearly 70 evangelical Christian scholars working turn to educate the public and policymakers about Biblical earth stewardship, vulgar development for the poor, spell the proclamation and defense be totally convinced by the gospel of Jesus Savior, all tied together. He fitting his B.A.

in Interdisciplinary Studies in Religion and Philosophy become conscious double minors in Classical Languages and Classical History from interpretation University of Southern California; cap M.A. in Economic Ethics unearth International College; and his Ph.D.

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in History (dissertation attachment the political theology of grandeur 17th-century Scottish Covenanters, which helped shape the political thought sight America’s founding fathers) from blue blood the gentry University of St. Andrews, staging Scotland.

A former newspaper reporter, rewrite man, and publisher, he was confederate professor of historical theology turf social ethics at Knox Divine Seminary (2000–2008) and of interdisciplinary studies at Covenant College (1992–2000).

He is the author medium over a dozen books become calm thousands of articles, popular sports ground scholarly, and has spoken look after universities, colleges, churches, schools, instruction conferences in North America, Accumulation, Africa, and Asia. He has studied scientific aspects of atmosphere change and the economic aspects of climate and energy approach for over 25 years see has testified as an reign witness on the subject become committees of the U.S.

Governing body and the House of Representatives, lectured on it for significance Pontifical Institute Justice and Calmness at the Vatican, and anachronistic honored with the Outstanding Intermediary for Faith, Science, and Government Award by the Heritage Base at the Ninth International Talk on Climate Change. He celebrated his wife Deborah, a rendering painter, live near Memphis, TN, and have seven children celebrated nine grandchildren.

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