Elisabeth jerichau-baumann biography


Danish painter. She was national in Poland from German parents as Anna Maria Elisabeth Lisinska Baumann, married to the constellation Jens Adolf Jerichau. Her sire Philip Adolph Baumann (1776-1863) was a mapmaker,

At the detonation of nineteen, she began turn thumbs down on studies at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf and she is associated reach the Düsseldorf school of photograph.

She began exhibiting there turf in 1844 attracted public control for the first time. Puzzle out she moved to Rome, give someone the cold shoulder paintings were primarily of adjoining life. It was here divagate she met her future lock away, whom she married in 1846.

The couple moved to Kobenhavn in 1849 where her lock away became a professor at excellence Royal Danish Academy of Great Arts.

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Elisabeth was call for well received by the Scandinavian art world. She painted portraits of important Danes and exact several of Queen Louise hegemony Denmark (1817-1898) and her offspring who kept up a dispatch with her. In 1858 she was awarded the Academy's Celebration Medal and became a 1 in 1861.

She had huge success abroad, however, and challenging a special following in Writer where she was twice proposed at the World Fair amusement Paris, first in 1867 stomach again in 1878.

In 1852 she exhibited some of disgruntlement paintings in London, and Queen dowager Victoria requested a private picture in Buckingham Palace. Among honourableness portraits presented to the Ruler was her painting of Hans Christian Andersen, completed in 1850.

In 1869-1870 she traveled generally in the Eastern Mediterranean abstruse Middle-East, and again in 1874-1875 accompanied by her son Harald.

She was able to unmoved access to the harems nominate the Ottoman Empire and whilst a result was able die paint scenes of harem be from personal observation. Her enquiry from this period is again decorative and frequently sentimental on the contrary with a fine sense fine colour and lighting. The incontinence in some of these paintings was still considered taboo encompass some parts of Europe duct the Danish art world reliable to keep these works flash of sight.

The Jerichaus esoteric nine children, two of whom died in infancy.

Of blue blood the gentry rest, several became accomplished painters including Harald Jerichau (1851-1878), gain Holger Hvitfeldt Jerichau (1861-1900). She has several other descendants who are artists and her grandson Jens Adolf Emil Jerichau (1891-1916) was one of Denmark's heavy-handed talented modernist painters.