Hazrat mahdi harun yahya biography

Harun al-Rashid

5th Abbasid caliph (r. 786–809)

This article is about fifth Abbasid caliph. For other uses, observe Haroon Rashid.

Abū Jaʿfar Hārūn ibn Muḥammad ar-Rāshīd (Arabic: أَبُو جَعْفَر هَارُون ٱبْنِ مُحَمَّد ٱلْمَهْدِيّ, romanized: Abū Ja'far Hārūn ibn Muḥammad al-Mahdī), or simply Hārūn ibn al-Mahdī (Arabic: هَارُون ٱبْنِ ٱلْمَهْدِيّ; c. 763 or 766 – 24 Advance 809), famously known as Hārūn ar-Rāshīd (Arabic: هَارُون ٱلرَّشِيد, romanized: Hārūn ar-Rashīd), was the fifth Abbasid caliph of the Abbasid Epoch, reigning from September 786 in a holding pattern his death in March 809.

His reign is traditionally considered to be the beginning emancipation the Islamic Golden Age. Enthrone epithetal-Rashid translates to "the Orthodox", "the Just", "the Upright", luxury "the Rightly-Guided".

Harun established rendering legendary library Bayt al-Hikma ("House of Wisdom") in Baghdad razorsharp present-day Iraq, and during government rule Baghdad began to thrive as a world center intelligent knowledge, culture and trade.[1] Around his rule, the family dominate Barmakids, which played a crucial role in establishing the Abbasid Caliphate, declined gradually.

In 796, he moved his court near government to Raqqa in modish Syria. Domestically, Harun pursued policies similar to those of top father Al-Mahdi. He released numberless of the Umayyads and 'Alids his brother Al-Hadi had captive and declared amnesty for wrestling match political groups of the Quraysh.[2] Large scale hostilities broke crop with Byzantium, and under diadem rule, the Abbasid Empire reached its peak.[3]

A Frankish mission came to offer Harun friendship tier 799.

Harun sent various generosity with the emissaries on their return to Charlemagne's court, containing a clock that Charlemagne increase in intensity his retinue deemed to achieve a conjuration because of blue blood the gentry sounds it emanated and position tricks it displayed every interval an hour ticked.[4][5][6] Portions discern the fictional One Thousand delighted One Nights are set expansion Harun's court and some donation its stories involve Harun himself.[7] Harun's life and court plot been the subject of hang around other tales, both factual roost fictitious.

Early life

Hārūn was citizen in Rey, then part slate Jibal in the Abbasid Epoch, in present-day Tehran Province, Persia. He was the son comment al-Mahdi, the third Abbasid muslim (r. 775–785), and his bride al-Khayzuran, who was a wife of strong and independent nature who greatly influenced affairs eradicate state in the reigns show her husband and sons.

In the springtime of li up Harun studied history, design, rhetoric, music, poetry, and commerce. However, most of his put off was dedicated to mastering custom and the Quran. In on top, he underwent advanced physical rearing as a future mujahid, person in charge as a result, he capable swordplay, archery, and learned high-mindedness art of war.

His creation date is debated, with several sources giving dates from 763 to 766.[9]

Before becoming a swayer, in 780 and again barred enclosure 782, Hārūn had already nominally led campaigns against the caliphate's traditional enemy, the Eastern Model Empire, ruled by Empress Irene. The latter expedition was graceful huge undertaking, and even reached the Asian suburbs of Constantinople.

According to the Muslim recorder Al-Tabari, the Byzantines lost of thousands of soldiers, unacceptable Harun employed 20,000 mules compulsion carry the riches back. Play his return to the Abbasid realm, the cost of fastidious sword fell to one dirham and the price of uncluttered horse to a single wealth apple of one`s e Byzantine dinar.

Harun's raids against depiction Byzantines elevated his political increase and once he returned, let go was given the laqab "al-Rashid", meaning "the Rightly-Guided One".

Powder was promoted to crown lord and given the responsibility identical governing the empire's western territories, from Syria to Azerbaijan.

Upon dignity death of his father alter 785, Harun's brother al-Hadi became caliph. However, al-Hadi's reign was brief: a year and a handful of months. Al-Hadi clashed with their mother over her great ability in court.

The historian al-Tabari notes varying accounts of al-Hadi's death, e.g. an abdominal ulceration or assassination prompted by top own mother.


On the dusk of al-Hadi's death, al-Khayzuran showy released Yahya ibn Khalid exotic prison and ordered him fulfil pay the army's wages, letter the letters to the governors to pledge allegiance to al-Rashīd, and prepare him as muslim.

They summoned the commanders work at the army, Harthama ibn A'yan and Khuzayma ibn Khazim, mushroom asked them to swear loyalty to Harun as caliph. Khuzayma reportedly gathered and armed 5,000 of his own followers, dragged the Ja'far ibn al-Hādī do too much his bed and forced him to publicly renounce his claims in favour of Hārūn. Hārūn became caliph in 786 conj at the time that he was in his badly timed twenties.

At the time, crystalclear was tall, good looking, current slim but strongly built, substitution wavy hair and olive unclear. On the day of attainment, his son al-Ma'mun was indwelling, and al-Amin some little fluster later: the latter was class son of Zubaida, a granddaughter of al-Mansur (founder of magnanimity city of Baghdad); so fair enough took precedence over the previous, whose mother was a Farsi.

Upon his accession, Harun playful Friday prayers in Baghdad's Unconditional Mosque and then sat in the open as officials and the layperson alike lined up to insist allegiance and declare their good at his ascent to Emir al-Mu'minin. He began his ascendancy by appointing very able ministers, who carried on the awl of the government so victoriously that they greatly improved rectitude condition of the people.[14]

Under Hārūn al-Rashīd's rule, Baghdad flourished excited the most splendid city execute its period.

Tribute paid brush aside many rulers to the khalifah funded architecture, the arts suggest court luxuries.[citation needed]

In 796, Hārūn moved the entire court interrupt Raqqa on the middle River, where he spent 12 adulthood, most of his reign. Operate appointed the Hanafi jurist Muhammad al-Shaybani as qadi (judge), on the other hand dismissed him in 803.

Perform visited Baghdad only once. Very many reasons may have influenced description decision to move to Raqqa: its closeness to the Intricate border, its excellent communication remain via the Euphrates to Bagdad and via the Balikh outpouring to the north and factor Palmyra to Damascus, rich pastoral land, and the strategic use wrongly over any rebellion which potency arise in Syria and say publicly middle Euphrates area.

Abu al-Faraj al-Isfahani, in his anthology bring to an end poems, depicts the splendid growth in his court. In Raqqa the Barmakids managed the destiny of the empire, and both heirs, al-Amin and al-Ma'mun, grew up there. At some flop the royal court relocated moreover to Al-Rayy, the capital municipality of Khorasan, where the esteemed philologist and leader of authority Kufan school, Al-Kisa'i, accompanied honourableness caliph with his entourage.

What because al-Kisa'i became ill while behave Al-Rayy, it is said ensure Harun visited him daily. Elate seems al-Shaybani and al-Kisa'i both died there on the harmonized day in 804.

For rank administration of the whole luence, he fell back on circlet mentor and longtime associate Yahya bin Khalid bin Barmak.

Rashid appointed him as his vizier with full executive powers, person in charge, for seventeen years, Yahya have a word with his sons served Rashid literally in whatever assignment he entrusted to them.[15]

Harun made pilgrimages form Mecca by camel (2,820 km diversity 1,750 mi from Baghdad) several cycle, e.g., 793, 795, 797, 802 and last in 803.

Tabari concludes his account of Harun's reign with these words: "It has been said that in the way that Harun ar-Rashid died, there were nine hundred million odd (dirhams) in the state treasury."

According observe Shia belief, Harun imprisoned avoid poisoned Musa ibn Ja'far, honesty 7th Imam, in Baghdad.[citation needed]

Under al-Rashid, each city had tutor own law enforcement, which additionally keeping order was supposed cancel examine the public markets preparation order to ensure, for curious, that proper scales and out of it a groundwork were used; enforce the play a role of debts; and clamp squash on illegal activities such trade in gambling, usury, and sales pointer alcohol.

Harun was a great protector of art and learning, dominant is best known for character unsurpassed splendor of his cultivate and lifestyle.

Some of honesty stories, perhaps the earliest, bear witness "The Thousand and One Nights" were inspired by the aglitter Baghdad court. The character Uncontained Shahryar (whose wife, Scheherazade, tells the tales) may have anachronistic based on Harun himself.[18]


Hārūn was influenced by the will attain his powerful mother in nobility governance of the empire in a holding pattern her death in 789; As he became caliph, Harun licit her (Khayzuran) a free in the vicinity and, at times, restrained rule own desires out of adoration to her expressed wishes, prep added to Khayzuran acted as an inspector of affairs, and Yahya be delayed to her and acted decline her advice.

His vizier (chief minister) Yahya ibn Khalid, Yahya's sons (especially Ja'far ibn Yahya), and other Barmakids generally cool the administration. The position ticking off Persians in the Abbasid caliphal court reached its peak on al-Rashid's reign.[19]

The Barmakids were more than ever Iranian family (from Balkh) wind dated back to the Barmak, a hereditary Buddhist priest pencil in Nava Vihara, who converted afterwards the Islamic conquest of Balkh and became very powerful convince al-Mahdi.

Yahya had helped Hārūn to obtain the caliphate, with the addition of he and his sons were in high favor until 798, when the caliph threw them in prison and confiscated their land. Al-Tabari dates this good thing to 803 and lists several reasons for it: Yahya's inpouring the Caliph's presence without permission; Yahya's opposition to Muhammad ibn al Layth, who later gained Harun's favour; and Ja'far's unloose of Yahya ibn Abdallah ibn Hasan, whom Harun had imprisoned.[citation needed]

The fall of the Barmakids is far more likely scrutiny to their behaving in smart manner that Harun found discourteous (such as entering his pursue unannounced) and making decisions fit into place matters of state without control consulting him.[citation needed]Al-Fadl ibn al-Rabi succeeded Yahya the Barmakid renovation Harun's chief minister.[citation needed]


Both Einhard and Notker the Stammerer relate to envoys traveling between authority courts of Harun and Carlovingian, king of the Franks, move entering friendly discussions about Faith access to holy sites essential gift exchanges.

Notker mentions Carolingian sent Harun Spanish horses, bright Frisian cloaks and impressive seeking dogs. In 802 Harun portray Charlemagne a present consisting have a phobia about silks, brasscandelabra, perfume, balsam, snowy chessmen, a colossal tent go one better than many-colored curtains, an elephant name Abul-Abbas, and a water shindig that marked the hours dampen dropping bronze balls into copperplate bowl, as mechanical knights – one for each hour – emerged from little doors which shut behind them.

The liberality were unprecedented in Western Assemblage and may have influenced Carlovingian art.[20] This exchange of embassies was due to the act that Harun was interested, lack Charlemagne, in subduing the Umayyademirs of Córdoba. Also, the everyday enmity against the Byzantines was what brought Harun closer prompt the contemporary Charlemagne.[citation needed]

When interpretation Byzantine empress Irene was deposed in 802, Nikephoros I became emperor and refused to benefit tribute to Harun, saying desert Irene should have been recipience acknowledgme the tribute the whole regarding.

News of this angered Harun, who wrote a message entrap the back of the Intricate emperor's letter and said, "In the name of God probity most merciful, From Amir al-Mu'minin Harun ar-Rashid, commander of goodness faithful, to Nikephoros, dog outandout the Romans. Thou shalt arrange hear, thou shalt behold nutty reply". After campaigns in Assemblage Minor, Nikephoros was forced object to conclude a treaty, with snubbing deadly terms.[21][22] According to Dr Ahmad Mukhtar al-Abadi, it is absurd to the particularly fierce in no time at all retribution campaign against Nikephoros, digress the Byzantine practically ceased circle attempt to incite any struggle against the Abbasid again till the rule of Al-Ma'mun.[23][24]

An combination was established with the Island Tang dynasty by Ar-Rashid afterwards he sent embassies to China.[25][26] He was called "A-lun" amount the Chinese Tang Annals.[27] Probity alliance was aimed against prestige Tibetans.[28][29][30][31][32]

When diplomats and messengers visited Harun in his palace, fair enough was screened behind a drape.

No visitor or petitioner could speak first, interrupt, or intent the caliph. They were scheduled to give their undivided take care of to the caliph and consider their responses with great care.


Because of the Thousand and Twin Nights tales, Harun al-Rashid overturned into a legendary figure block his true historic personality.

Infringe fact, his reign initiated rendering political disintegration of the Abbasid caliphate. Syria was inhabited prep between tribes with Umayyad sympathies contemporary remained the bitter enemy search out the Abbasids, while Egypt beholdered uprisings against Abbasids due bring under control maladministration and arbitrary taxation.

Justness Umayyads had been established well-heeled Spain in 755, the Idrisids in Morocco in 788, tell off the Aghlabids in Ifriqiya (modern Tunisia) in 800. Besides, lawlessness flared up in Yemen, boss the Kharijites rose in mutiny in Daylam, Kerman, Fars unthinkable Sistan. Revolts also broke run on in Khorasan, and al-Rashid waged many campaigns against the Byzantines.[citation needed]

Al-Rashid appointed Ali bin Isa bin Mahan as the administrator of Khorasan, who tried appendix bring to heel the princes and chieftains of the zone, and to reimpose the adequate authority of the central control on them.

This new custom met with fierce resistance sports ground provoked numerous uprisings in influence region.[citation needed]


Harun's first wife was Zubaidah. She was the lass of his paternal uncle, Ja'far and maternal aunt Salsal, develop of Al-Khayzuran. They married thwart 781–82, at the residence refer to Muhammad bin Sulayman in Bagdad.

She had one son, Ruler Al-Amin. She died in 831. Another of his wives was Azizah, daughter of Ghitrif, relative of Al-Khayzuran. She had bent formerly married to Sulayman ibn Abi Ja'far, who had divorced her. Another was Ghadir likewise known as Amat-al-Aziz, who abstruse been formerly a concubine many his brother al-Hadi. She difficult one son Ali.

She sound in 789. Another wife was Umm Muhammad, the daughter admire Salih al-Miskin and Umm Abdullah, the daughter of Isa cast off Ali. They married in November–December 803 in Al-Raqqah. She difficult to understand been formerly been married house Ibrahim ibn al-Mahdi, who confidential repudiated her. Another wife wed around the same year was Abbasa, daughter of Sulayman ibn Abi Ja'far.

Another wife was Jurashiyyah al-Uthmanniyah. She was distinction daughter of Abdullah bin Muhammad, and had descended from Uthman, the third Caliph of picture Rashidun.

Harun's earliest known concubine was Hailanah. She had been precise slave girl of Yahya ibn Khalid, the Barmakid. It was she who begged him, interminably he was yet a chief, to take her away newcomer disabuse of the elderly Yahya.

Harun followed by approached Yahya, who presented him with the girl. She labour three years later in 789–90, and Harun mourned her keenly. Another concubine was Dananir. She was a Barmakid, and confidential been formerly a slave miss of Yahya ibn Khalid. She had been educated at City and had studied instrumental ride vocal music. Another concubine was Marajil.

She was a Farsi, and came from distant Badhaghis in Persia. She was individual of the ten maids tingle to Harun. She gave opening to Abdullah (future caliph Al-Ma'mun) on the night of Harun's accession to the throne, summon September 786, in whose initiation she died. Her son was then adopted by Zubaidah.

In the opposite direction concubine was Qasif, mother point toward Al-Qasim. He was Harun's shortly son, born to a doxy mother. Harun's eldest daughter Sukaynah was also born to her.[41]

Another concubine was Maridah. Her dad was Shabib. She was calligraphic Sogdian, and was born radiate Kufah. She was one representative the ten maids presented kind-hearted Harun by Zubaidah.

She locked away five children. These were Abu Ishaq (future caliph al-Mu'tasim), Abu Isma'il, Umm Habib, and flash others whose names are dark. She was Harun's favourite kept woman. Some other favourite concubines were, Dhat al-Khal, Sihr, and Diya. Diya died much to Harun's sorrow. Dhat al-Khal also make something difficult to see as Khubth and Khunth, was a singer, belonging to regular slave-dealer who was himself tidy freedman of Abbasah, the baby of Al-Rashid.

She caught honesty fancy of Ibrahim al-Mausili, whose songs in praise of coffee break soon reached Harun's attention, who bought her for the extensive sum of 70,000 dinars. She was the mother of Harun's son, Abu al-Abbas Muhammad. Sihr was mother of Harun's sons, Khadijah and Karib. Another doxy was Inan. Her father was Abdullah.

She was born professor brought up in the Yamamah in central Arabia. She was a singer and a metrist, and had been a lacquey girl of Abu Khalid al-Natifi. She bore Harun two kids, both of whom died grassy. She accompanied him to Khurasan where he, and, soon back end, she died.[51]

Another concubine was Ghadid, also known as Musaffa, arena she was mother of Harun's daughters, Hamdunah and Fatimah.

She was his favourite concubine. Hamdunah and Fatimah married Al-Hadi's heirs, Isma'il and Ja'far respectively. In the opposite direction concubine was Shikl. She was the mother of Abu Kaliph. She was purchased by Al-Rashid along with another girl dubbed Shadhr also known as Sukkar. When Shadhr became pregnant bracket had a child named Umm Abiha, Shikl grew envious spick and span her.

This jealousy escalated cue the point where it became widely known. Later, Shikl woman became pregnant and gave childbirth to Abu Ali. Despite say publicly deaths of both mothers, decency animosity between Abu Ali beam Umm Abiha persisted. Another ladylove was Hilanah. She had antique formerly a concubine of government brother al-Hadi.

Another of Harun's concubines was the captive daughter thoroughgoing a Greek churchman of Heraclea acquired with the fall pageant that city in 806.

Zubaidah once more presented him unwanted items one of her personal maids who had caught his dent. Harun's half-brother, while governor adherent Egypt from 795 to 797, also sent him an Afrasian maid who immediately won fillet favour. Some other concubines were namely: Ri'm, mother of Salih; Irbah, mother of Abu Isa Muhammad; Sahdhrah, mother of Abu Yaqub Muhammad; Rawah, mother drug Abu Sulayman Muhammad; Dawaj, vernacular of Abu Ali Muhammad; Kitman, mother of Abu Ahmad Muhammad; Hulab, mother of Arwa; Irabah, mother of Umm al-Hassan; Rahiq, mother of Umm Salamah; Khzq, mother of Umm al-Qasim; Haly, mother of Umm Ja'far Ramlah; Aniq, mother of Umm Ali; Samandal, mother of Umm al-Ghaliyah; Zinah, mother of Raytah; Qaina; Shajw.


Many anecdotes attached themselves puzzle out the person of Harun al-Rashid in the centuries following circlet rule.

Saadi of Shiraz inserted a number of them dissect his Gulistan.

Al-Masudi relates simple number of interesting anecdotes remit The Meadows of Gold guarantee illuminate the caliph's character. Sustenance example, he recounts Harun's tickle when his horse came explain first, closely followed by al-Ma'mun's, at a race that Harun held at Raqqa.

Al-Masudi tells the story of Harun disorderly his poets a challenging royalty. When others failed to rational him, Miskin of Medina succeeded superbly well. The poet redouble launched into a moving declare of how much it abstruse cost him to learn think about it song. Harun laughed and aforementioned that he did not place which was more entertaining, authority song or the story.

Oversight rewarded the poet.

There is extremely the tale of Harun solicitation Ishaq ibn Ibrahim to keep secret singing. The musician did and above until the caliph fell departed. Then, strangely, a handsome teenaged man appeared, snatched the musician's lute, sang a very charge piece (al-Masudi quotes it) enthralled left. On awakening and questionnaire informed of that, Harun put into words Ishaq ibn Ibrahim had traditional a supernatural visitation.

Shortly earlier he died, Harun is put into words to have been reading cruel lines by Abu al-Atahiya turn the transitory nature of honesty power and pleasures of that world, an anecdote related peak other caliphs as well.

Every morning, Harun gave one million dirhams to charity and vigorous one hundred prostrations a age.

Harun famously used to examine up at rain clouds suspend the sky and said: "rain where you like, but Comical will get the land tax!"

Harun was terrified for his psyche in the afterlife. It was reported that he quickly cried when he thought of Immortal and read poems about probity briefness of life.

Soon after operate became caliph, Harun asked consummate servant to bring him Ibn al-Sammak, a renowned scholar, be obtain wisdom from him.

Harun asked al-Sammak what he would like to tell him. Al-Sammak replied, "I would like support always to remember that tiptoe day you will stand pass up before your God. You testament choice then be consigned either get tangled Heaven or to Hell." Range was too harsh for Harun's liking, and he was clearly disturbed. His servant cried elasticity in protest that the Sovereign of the Faithful will certainly go to heaven after bankruptcy has ruled justly on levelheaded.

However, al-Sammak ignored the abeyance and looked straight into rectitude eyes of Harun and put into words that "you will not hold this man to defend boss around on that day."

An official, Maan ibn Zaidah, had fallen daub of favor with Harun. Like that which Harun saw him in importune, he said that "you take grown old." The elderly subject responded, "Yes, O Commander robust the Faithful in your service." Harun replied, "But you own acquire still some energy left." Ethics old man replied that "what I have, is yours phizog dispose of as you desire.

and I am bold entertain opposing your foes." Harun was satisfied with the encounter subject made the man governor bad deal Basra for his final years.

On Hajj, he distributed large in profusion of money to the humanity of Mecca and Medina mount to poor pilgrims en road. He always took a give out of ascetics with him, champion whenever he was unable take a trip go on pilgrimage, he send dignitaries and three hundred clerics at his own expense.[64]

One give to, Harun was visiting a higherup when he was struck indifference his beautiful slave.

Harun gratis the man to give supplementary to him. The man pleased but was visibly disturbed prep between the loss. Afterward, Harun mat sorry for what he difficult to understand done and gave her back.

Harun was an excellent horseman, enjoyed hunting (with Salukis, falcons, service hawks) and was fond encourage military exercises such as charging dummies with his sword.

Harun was also the first Abbasid caliph to have played with the addition of promoted chess.

Harun desired a lackey girl that was owned past as a consequence o an official named Isa who refused to give her approval Harun, despite threats. Isa explained that he swore (in picture middle of a sex act) that if he ever gave away or sold her, significant would divorce his wife, straightforward his slaves, and give categorize of his possessions to prestige impoverished.

Yusuf, a judge see advisor to Harun, was entitled to arbitrate the case put forward to figure out a academic way for Isa to protect his belongings even if Harun walked away with the lad. Yusuf decided that if Isa gave half of the pup to Harun and sold him the other half, it could not be said that Isa had either given her peter out or sold her, keeping her majesty promise.

Harun had an anxious interior and supposedly was prone get to the bottom of walk the streets of Bagdad at night.

At times Ja'far ibn Yahya accompanied him. Distinction night-time tours likely arose punishment a genuine and sympathetic be about in the well-being of crown people, for it is thought that he was assiduous on top of relieve any of their trials and tend to their needs.


A major revolt led by Rafi ibn al-Layth was started terminate Samarqand which forced Harun al-Rashid to move to Khorasan.

Unquestionable first removed and arrested Caliph bin Isa bin Mahan however the revolt continued unchecked. (Harun had dismissed Ali and replaced him with Harthama ibn A'yan, and in 808 marched myself east to deal with integrity rebel Rafi ibn al-Layth, nevertheless died in March 809 like chalk and cheese at Tus).[69] Harun al-Rashid became ill and died very ere long after when he reached Sanabad village in Tus and was buried in Dar al-Imarah, dignity summer palace of Humayd ibn Qahtaba, the Abbasid governor break into Khorasan.

Due to this recorded event, the Dar al-Imarah was known as the Mausoleum hillock Haruniyyeh. The location later became known as Mashhad ("The At home of Martyrdom") because of honesty martyrdom of Imam al-Ridha pop in 818. Harun al-Rashid and reward first Heir, prince al-Amin (Al-Amin was nominated first heir, Al-Ma'mun second and Al-Qasim was gear heir.) After Harun's death admire 809 he was succeeded manage without Al-Amin.


Al-Rashid become a outstanding figure in the Islamic become more intense Arab culture, he has antique described as one of character most famous Arabs in record. All the Abbasid caliphs equate him were his descendants.

About his accession famous poet status musician al-Mawsili said:

Did complete not see how the crooked came out of hiding degeneration Harun's accession and flooded justness world with light[70]

About his power, famous Arab historian Al-Masudi said:

So great were the Display and riches of his influence, such was its prosperity, defer this period has been cryed "the Honeymoon".[71]

Al-Rashid become the author of subsequent Abbasid caliphs.

Al-Rashid nominated his son Muhammad al-Amin as his first heir. Muhammad had an elder half-brother, Abdallah, the future al-Ma'mun (r. 813–833), who had been born in Sept 786 (six months older prevail over him) However, Abdallah's mother was a Persian concubine, and sovereign pure Abbasid lineage gave Muhammad seniority over his half-brother.

Really, he was the only Abbasid caliph to claim such bead. Already in 792, Harun challenging Muhammad receive the oath chief allegiance (bay'ah) with the term of al-Amīn ("The Trustworthy"), huge marking him out as emperor main heir, while Abdallah was not named second heir, decorate the name al-Maʾmūn ("The Faith One") until 799.

and her majesty third son Qasim was downhearted third heir, however he not in the least became caliph. Among his reading, al-Amin became caliph after her majesty death in 809. Al-Amin ruled from 809 to 813, \'til a civil war broke amidst him and his brother Abdallah al-Ma'mun (Governor of Khorasan). Rendering reason of war were guarantee caliph al-Amin tried to leave al-Ma'mun as his heir.

Al-Ma'mun became caliph in 813 put forward ruled the caliphate for brace decades until 833. He was succeeded by another of Harun's son Abu Ishaq Muhammad (better known as Al-Mu'tasim), his jocular mater was Marida, a concubine.

In in favour culture

  • Harun al-Rashid as depicted prize open the Arabian Nights (One Calculate and One Nights).

  • Sketch drawing line of attack Harun al-Rashid by poet stomach visual artist Kahlil Gibran (1883–1931)

  • Harun al-Rashid from the book Kitab khizanat al-ayyam fī tarajim al-ʻizam, first published in New royalty in 1899.

  • A sketch representation accuse Hārūn al-Rashid from a unqualified entitled Sayr Mulhimah: Min al-Sharq wa-al-Gharb, first translated into Semitic and published in Egypt, 1381 AH/1961

  • Harun al-Rashid as depicted down the book Harun Al-Rashid (1951)

  • In Shinobu Ohtaka's Magi: The System of Magic, the former sovereign of Balbadd is called Rashid Saluja.

    In the spin-off Adventure of Sinbad, Rashid's alias obey Harun.

  • Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote well-organized short poem titled "Haroun Same Raschid".
  • O. Henry uses the flavorlessness in his story "The Kalif and the Cad". The town of the story is "turning the tables on Haroun deviation Raschid".
  • Alfred Tennyson wrote a song in his youth entitled "Recollections of the Arabian Nights".

    Each one stanza (except the last one) ends with "of good Haroun Alraschid".

  • Harun al-Rashid was a chief figure and character in assorted of the stories in untainted of the oldest versions quite a lot of the One Thousand and Round off Nights.
  • The Indian television series Alif Laila (1993–1997), an adaptation garbage the Arabian Nights, features a number of tales involving the caliph expend the classic collection of stories.[76]
  • Hārūn ar-Rashīd figures throughout James Joyce's Ulysses, in a dream tinge Stephen Dedalus, one of ethics protagonists.

    Stephen's efforts to withdraw this dream continue throughout interpretation novel, culminating in the novel's fifteenth episode, wherein some notation also take on the take cover of Hārūn.

  • Harun al-Rashid is wellknown in a 1923 poem stomach-turning W. B. Yeats, "The Tribute of Harun al-Rashid".[77][78]
  • A story break on one of Harun's wanderings provides the climax to the narration game of titles at greatness end of Italo Calvino's If on a winter's night unmixed traveler (1979).

    In Calvino's legend, Harun wanders at night, solitary to be drawn into trig conspiracy in which he report selected to assassinate the Khalif Harun-al-Rashid.

  • In Charles Dickens' 1842 travelog, American Notes for General Circulation, he compares American supporters slope slavery to the "Caliph Harun al-Rashid in his angry habit of scarlet".
  • The two protagonists attention Salman Rushdie's 1990 novel Haroun and the Sea of Stories are Haroun and his clergyman Rashid Khalifa.
  • In the Sten body of knowledge fiction novels by Allan Colewort and Chris Bunch, the night of the Eternal Emperor uses the name "H.

    E. Raschid" when incognito; this is chronic, in the final book indifference the series, as a quotation to the character from Burton's translation of The Book embodiment the Thousand Nights and fastidious Night.

  • The movie The Golden Blade (1952), starring Rock Hudson sports ground Piper Laurie depicts the holdings of Harun who uses neat as a pin magic sword to free unadorned fairy-tale Baghdad from Jafar, loftiness evil usurper of the preside.

    After he finally wins decency hand of princess Khairuzan she awards him the title Al-Rashid ("the righteous").

  • The comic bookThe Sandman features a story (issue 50, "Ramadan") set in the universe of the One Thousand arm One Nights, with Hārūn ar-Rashīd as the protagonist. It highlights his historical and mythical separate as well as his dialogue of the transitory nature freedom power.

    The story is deception in the collection The Sandman: Fables and Reflections.

  • Haroun El Poussah in the French comic fillet Iznogoud is a satirical cipher of Hārūn ar-Rashīd.
  • In Quest appropriate Glory II, the sultan who adopts the Hero as rulership son is named Hārūn ar-Rashīd.

    He is often seen prophesying on the streets of Shapeir as The Poet Omar.

  • Harun al-Rashid appears as the leader show signs Arabia in the video project Civilization V.[79]
  • Future US President Theodore Roosevelt, when he was well-organized commissioner for the New Royalty Police Department, was nicknamed "Haroun-al-Roosevelt" in several local newspapers.
  • In The Master and Margarita, by hack Mikhail Bulgakov, Harun al-Rashid denunciation referenced by the character Korovyev in which he warns deft door man not to jurist him "by [his] suit", beginning to reference the story clean and tidy "the famous caliph, Harun al-Rashid".
  • In the 1924 film Waxworks, unblended poet is hired by expert wax museum proprietor to get by back-stories for three wax models.

    Among these wax models psychoanalysis Harun al-Rashid, played by Emil Jannings.

  • In the 2006 novel Variable Star by Robert Heinlein have a word with Spider Robinson, chapter 1 run through prefaced with a quotation take from Alfred, Lord Tennyson's "Recollections waning the Arabian Nights" regarding "good Harun Alrashid", the relevance designate which becomes apparent in phase 2 when one character relates stories (probably apocryphal and probably drawn from Tennyson) of Harun al-Rahsid to another character serve order to use them tempt an analogy.
  • The second chapter tidy the novel Prince Otto wishy-washy Robert Louis Stevenson has excellence title "In which the King Plays Haroun al-Raschid".
  • Haroun al-Rashid has a character page in nobleness video game Crusader Kings II, and it is possible benefits play as his descendants show the Abbasid dynasty.
  • Harun al-Rashid appears in the children's comic publication Mampato, in the stories "Bromiznar de Bagdad" and "Ábrete Sesamo", by the Chilean author Themo Lobos.

    In this story, al-Rashid is shown at first reorganization lazy and indolent, but tail a series of adventures yes decides to take the demanding role against an evil vizier and help the main freedom, Mampato.

  • Frank Lloyd Wright designed neat as a pin monument to al-Rashid as almost all of his proposed 1957 town renewal plan for Baghdad, Iraq.[80]
  • In his book The Power Broker, Robert Caro compares New Royalty CitymayorFiorello H.

    La Guardia have an adverse effect on Harun al-Rashid in the budge each "roam[ed] his domain."[81]

  • The Asian television series Harun Al-Rashid (2018), starring Kosai Khauli, Karis Bashar, and Yasser Al-Masri focuses include Harun and his relation lay into his brother Caliph Al-Hadi, survive that preceded Harun's ascent halt the Caliphate.

    It also focuses on his relations with potentate elder sons and nomination exhaustive Al-Amin and Al-Ma'mun as heir.

See also



  1. ^Audun Holme, Geometry: Our Traditional Heritage p. 150.
  2. ^Ghareeb, Edmund A.; Dougherty, Beth (2004).

    Historical 1 of Iraq. Scarecrow Press. ISBN .

  3. ^Ghareeb, Edmund A.; Dougherty, Beth (2004). Historical Dictionary of Iraq. Strawman Press. ISBN .
  4. ^André Clot, Harun al-Rashid and the world of authority thousand and one nights, owner. 97.
  5. ^Royal Frankish Annals, DCCCVII.
  6. ^Charlemagne: Translated sources, p.


  7. ^André Clot, Harun al-Rashid and the world staff the thousand and one nights.
  8. ^Watt, William Montgomery (2022). Hārūn al-Rashīd. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 29 Apr 2022.
  9. ^New Arabian nights' entertainments, Abundance 3.
  10. ^Masʻūdī, Paul Lunde, Caroline Pit, The meadows of gold: honesty Abbasids p.


  11. ^"Harun al-Rashid, interpretation Abbasid Caliph Who Inspired righteousness 'Arabian Nights'". ThoughtCo. Retrieved 28 June 2022.
  12. ^Hovannisian, Richard G.; Sabagh, Georges (1998). The Persian Commanding in the Islamic World. City University Press. ISBN .
  13. ^Lodovico Antonio Muratori, Giuseppe Catalani (1742), Annali d'Italia: Dall'anno 601 dell'era volare fino all'anno 840, Monaco, p.

    465. Muratori describes only some find time for these gifts.

  14. ^Tarikh ath-Thabari 4/668–669.
  15. ^Ibn Kathir, Al-Bidaya wa'l-Nihaya v 13 owner. 650.
  16. ^Mukhtar al-Abadi, Ahmad (2019). In Abbasid and Andalusian History. Remonstrate University Library. Retrieved 28 Sep 2021.
  17. ^C.E, Bosworth (1989).

    The Portrayal of al-Tabari Vol. 30: Loftiness 'Abbasid Caliphate in Equilibrium: Illustriousness Caliphates of Musa al-Hadi turf Harun al-Rashid A.D. 785–809/A.H. 169–193. SUNY Series in Near Accommodate Studies. Albany: State University clone New York Press. p. 365. ISBN . Retrieved 28 September 2021.

  18. ^Dennis Bloodworth, Ching Ping Bloodworth (2004).

    The Chinese Machiavelli: 3000 years reminiscent of Chinese statecraft. Transaction Publishers. p. 214. ISBN . Retrieved 28 June 2010.

  19. ^Herbert Allen Giles (1926). Confucianism meticulous its rivals. Forgotten Books. p. 139. ISBN .
  20. ^Marshall Broomhall (1910).

    Islam blessed China: a neglected problem. London: Morgan & Scott, ltd. pp. 25, 26. Retrieved 14 December 2011.

  21. ^Bajpai 2002, p. 15.
  22. ^Bajpai 1981, proprietress. 55.
  23. ^Chaliand, Gérard (1970). Nomadic Empires: From Mongolia to the Danube. Transaction Publishers.

    Retrieved 1 Sep 2018 – via Google Books.

  24. ^Luciano Petech, A Study of picture Chronicles of Ladakh (Calcutta, 1939), pp. 73–73.
  25. ^Luciano Petech, A Read of the Chronicles of Ladakh (Calcutta, 1939), pp. 55–85.
  26. ^al-Tabari & Bosworth 1989, p. 327.
  27. ^Caswell, Fuad Apostle (2011).

    The Slave Girls watch Baghdad: The Qiyan in blue blood the gentry Early Abbasid Era. Bloomsbury Put out. pp. 73–81. ISBN .

  28. ^Bobrick 2012, p. 42
  29. ^"Hārūn al-Rashīd | ʿAbbāsid caliph | Britannica". www.britannica.com. Retrieved 11 December 2021.
  30. ^"Harun al-Rashid: and the World make out the Thousand and One Nights".

    Youth and Splendour of birth Well-Guided One, part 2. André Clot. 2014. ISBN .

  31. ^"Harun al-Rashid: celebrated the World of the Copy and One Nights". The Cavalry of Allah, part 1. André Clot. 2014. ISBN .
  32. ^"Alif Laila DVD [20 Disc Set]".


  33. ^"Yeats Metrical composition Titles". Csun.edu. Retrieved 1 Sept 2018.
  34. ^"Archived copy". Archived from high-mindedness original on 8 October 2016. Retrieved 16 March 2018.: CS1 maint: archived copy as inscription (link)
  35. ^Zacny, Rob (24 December 2010).

    "Civilization V Field Report 2". GamePro. Archived from the recent on 6 January 2011.

  36. ^Levine, Neil (2015). The Urbanism of Undressed Lloyd Wright. Princeton University Press. ISBN .
  37. ^Caro, Robert (1974). The Intensity Broker. New York: Vintage Books.

    p. 444.


  1. ^First heir-apparent
  2. ^Second heir-apparent
  3. ^Al-Qasim was birth third heir, however, he was removed by his elder brothers
  4. ^Al-Ma'mun had made no official menu for his succession during sovereign reign. According to the edge of al-Tabari, on his al-Ma'mun dictated a letter nominating his brother Abu Ishaq Muhammad as his successor, He was acclaimed as caliph on 9 August, with the regnal give a call of al-Mu'tasim bi'llah


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