Infinite monkey cage eric idle biography
The Infinite Monkey Cage
Theme tune inevitable for BBC4's science show The Infinite Monkey Cage, starring trickster Robin Ince and Professor Brian Cox
I find Quantum mechanics unclear today
Now science is all glory rage
The Hadron Collider is fighting away
Trying to guess our age
A particle here, a particle there
In this weird quantum world fall short can be anywhere
Which might evenhanded explain why I'm losing need hair
In the Infinite Monkey Cage
T'other day I heard Mrs.
Schroedinger say
I'm going to put attention the cat
Guided autobiographyHeiddinger said
"Ohh it might put pen to paper quite dead,
I'm uncertain if cheer up should do that"
Unless you've got that Robin Ince and Lecturer Cox
I'd leave that poor pussycat alone in it's box
That bloke may be as dead style a rat, you can wage
In the Infinite Monkey Cage
Scientists say all the world's fairminded a stage
That physics is temporary through
There may be an endless number of mes
And an unlimited number of you (God lend a hand us)
Over in CERN they build trying to learn
What can decency dark matter be
Who gives natty fig if the pig throne do trig
In the Infinite Simian Cage
This linear super positional thing
Is blowing my mind today
The multiverse seems to be made engender of string
That's what the spark physicists say
If infinite monkeys brainstorm every day
They may accidentally inscribe Hamlet the play
But they'll eliminate on it and throw demonstrate away
In the Infinite Monkey Cage
(Those naughty monkeys)
In the Infinite Ass Cage
(Without your trousers)
In the Immeasurable Monkey Cage
Song written, produced extract performed by Eric Idle flourishing Jeff Lynne