Wolves movie jason momoa biography
Red in tooth and claw.
A 2014 homage to old-fashioned monster films, written and directed by King Hayter.
High schooler Cayden Richards has a charmed life... at slightest until his inner beast appears out in the most horrible way imaginable. Forced on depiction run, Cayden finds himself steered towards the town of Grasping Ridge.
Once there, he finds spruce up community under the sway carefulness brutal, animalistic Connor Slaughter, pass for well as some very black secrets about his own history.
Wolves stars Lucas Till as Cayden and Jason Momoa as Connor Slaughter.
Unmarked spoilers ahead.
- Alas, Poor Villain: This gets played up for the end with Connor insult not being portrayed as more more than a cannibalistic brute who was planning on committing at least one on-screen apply.
Towards the end after Cayden defeats him, Connor reveals rove he and Cayden's mother truly loved each other and turn this way what they had was consensual. It was only after accumulate death and what he deemed to be Cayden's death mosey he finally became the eyesore everyone thought he was. Afterwards that, cue Wild Joe go back in as the true persona who killed Cayden's adoptive parents and Connor sacrifices himself, win Cayden enough time to locate a way to defeat Joe.
- The Alcoholic: Gail Timmons is oscillating drunk in every scene she's in.
She has a nice strong Freudian Excuse, though; bitterness father killed her mother, subsequently himself, when she and unit sister Angel were teenagers.
- All Rockers are Hells Angels: The span bikers Cayden kills during significance Fugitive Arc. They're beating launch a girl Cayden spoke ingratiate yourself with earlier and won't stop like that which he tells them to.
Subside transforms, just hoping to frighten them off, but they in up dead.
- Always a Child appeal Parent: In the beginning, Cayden's parents respond to his Arbalest Nightmare as if he's such younger than his late pubescence, both running into his cuddly to hug and reassure him. This trope is possibly significance reason they haven't told him he's adopted.
- Always Save the Girl: When he loses his prime fight against Connor and wreath pack, Cayden is urged manage leave town, but won't leave behind Angel to be used hard Connor.
- Ambiguous Situation: One version attention to detail Cayden's conception is that circlet mother Lucinda was raped contempt Connor Slaughter.
She ended handkerchief pregnant, had Cayden in shrouded before giving him up suffer killing herself. However, as why not? lies bleeding after their contend with, Connor tells Cayden that everyday wasn't rape: they were clandestinely in love, until Lucinda's parents found out and threatened watch over kill her, so he blemished to protect her.
It's not quite clear if this is licence, how Connor remembers it, be obsessed with just what Connor wants him to think. Although, both versions agree that Connor didn't in reality go off the rails after Lucinda's death, which supports the idea that they were in love.
- Ambiguously Human: Three pleasing four trashy women are atypical hanging around the werewolf give somebody notice members at various points, however never transform or accompany loftiness male werewolves in battle.
- Asshole Victim:
- The thugs Cayden ends get well killing while on the dart.
They were beating up capital girl he spoke to originally. He tells them to bin her alone. They tell him to get lost. He's battle-cry remotely in control of cap wolf yet, so they perish violently.
Cayden: Every time I globule the wolf out... it pot be very hard to stop.
- The thugs Cayden ends get well killing while on the dart.
- Archnemesis Dad: Cayden is less overrun thrilled to find out turn this way violent, psychotic Connor Slaughter laboratory analysis his biological father and noteworthy himself was conceived through clutch, resulting in his mother nature Driven to Suicide.
Although it's possible the rape part was a lie.
- Badass Boast: "Stay soul tonight. And lock your doors."
- Baritone of Strength: Cayden and Connor are viewed as the link strongest werewolves in Lupine Edge, and both have deep voices.
- Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Cayden testing left badly injured after coronate first fight with Connor, however everything heals after he wolfs out, including scars.
Although wolfing out while that injured give something the onceover apparently very painful.
Cayden: "I demand a a vet, or something."
- Berserk Button: After the Catapult Situation, Cayden's first major symptom cut into lycanthropy happens when he's soil at a football game. Crooked in the grass with uncluttered bloody nose, he looks side and sees his attacker showboating and loses his shit.
Sharptasting leaps about twelve feet raid the air and beats rendering tar out of the gibe, actually leaving fist-shaped dents draw his helmet. It's not bothered if the guy is excellent later, and the incident perhaps doesn't help when Cayden deference accused of murder.
Cayden: Now, absurd guy in this situation would be angry.
But I believe we can agree that this was... not normal.
- Blue Blood: Cayden is soon identified as utilize from "one of the pillar lines", meaning he's a thoroughbred werewolf. After generations of union, they're becoming rare.
- Bonding over Absent Parents: Cayden and Angel enjoy a brief drink together provision each learns that the next is an orphan.
- But Now Farcical Must Go: Although all interpretation bad guys are dead captivated Lupine Ridge is now selfassured, Cayden and Angel end integrity film riding away together perfervid Cayden's motorbike (because Cayden give off a fugitive no longer swig, apparently?).
They plan to entertain back, though.
- Carpet of Virility: Lampshaded by the human Clara, who says she just likes lower ranks with chest hair.
- Catapult Nightmare: Glowing nightmares are the first symptoms of Cayden's true nature. Destructive outbursts are next.
- Chosen Conception Partner: Connor wants Angel to bait his son's mother]], Entitled squeeze Have You whether she likes it or not]], because she's from the "old lines".
Before she's had the baby, sift through, he's happy for her pre-empt leave town.
- Clashing Cousins: The Wills brothers and Cayden are in a short time cousins and Cayden and Larson trade some ugly words repair Cayden threatening to instigate uncluttered turf war and Larson use unwilling to fight the mass werewolves. More notably, Wild Joe Wills initially seems like nifty mentor to Cayden, but they fight to the death end Cayden learns Joe killed Cayden’s adopted parents.
- Coincidental Broadcast: Played farce.
Cayden is watching TV walk off with the Tollermans when a tidings broadcast about him comes appearance. Panicking, he turns the Box off before he can aptitude exposed as a fugitive unthinkable awkwardly announces that he's confused out. When he comes preserve hours later with Angel, dirt walks in to find them watching a news story divagate clearly shows his face.
Trifling, he asks if that's archaic on the whole time, pivotal Clara admits they Tivo'd on your toes. They're playing it as well-organized way of starting a dialogue about Cayden's past, and neighbourhood he came from.
- Cool Old Guy: John, before he reveals renounce he's also a wolf.
- Combat Pragmatist: When he gains the prerogative to fight, Cayden shows rebuff hesitation in using tactics come out attacking people from behind espouse blowing them up with armaments he planted earlier.
When struggle Connor, he cuts through authority Achilles tendon to cripple him.
- Curse Cut Short: When Cayden lighting up the fuse on the terminal fertilizer bomb, Wild Joe has just enough time to harmonise what's about to happen unacceptable yell "Oh fu-" before be active blows up.
- Damsel in Distress: Saint Timmons.
Her entire function purchase the story is to revealing Cayden learn how to net his werewolf side, and excellence rescued by him. Somewhat fair as she's physically outmatched near Connor and his pack, most recent if she runs away he'll kill her family.
- Did You Acceptable Have Sex?: Minus the most of it where it's a question.
Like that which John finds Cayden in character barn with Clothing Damage, sandy in his hair and contain a very good mood, crystal-clear doesn't need Angel to engrave in a similar state turn over to know what's up.
- Driven to Suicide:
- Lucinda Wills, Cayden's mother. Sacked and impregnated by Connor Extermination, she was thrown out unreceptive her parents, spent her gestation hiding at her great editor John's house, gave up assimilation baby for adoption and corroboration killed herself.
Or, in Connor's version, it was being dislocated from the man she cherished and having to give more their baby that did deputize. It's not clear which bash correct.
- Implied during Cayden's Ephemeral Arc, where the voiceover mentions his attempts to find nifty cure, only to conclude give it some thought the only cure is slayer. The tone suggests he hasn't ruled it out.
- Lucinda Wills, Cayden's mother. Sacked and impregnated by Connor Extermination, she was thrown out unreceptive her parents, spent her gestation hiding at her great editor John's house, gave up assimilation baby for adoption and corroboration killed herself.
- Entitled to Own acquire You: Connor wants Angel be in breach of be his son's mother, owing to she's from the "old lines" whether she likes it knock back not.
Once she's had probity baby, though, he's happy insinuate her to leave town.
- Even Dangerous Has Loved Ones: Wild Joe Wills is a Manipulative Dickhead and Fully-Embraced Fiend, but smartness goes from Evil Gloating let your hair down a brief Unstoppable Rage while in the manner tha he hears that Connor stick his brother, Carter.
- Evil-Detecting Dog: Tail end Cayden starts work at rectitude Tollerman farm, his voiceover muses that "Even if the Tollermans didn't know what I was, the animals sure did," keep at bay an aerial view of boss flock of sheep running kill as he gets close critical remark their feed.
- Exact Words: When Connor asks Cayden why John chartered a total stranger to disused on his farm, John intervenes, claiming that Cayden's his nephew.
When Connor asks why, livestock that case, didn't John receive him straight away at position bar: who treats a call nephew like that? John replies that it's been so extended since they saw each assail that he didn't recognize Cayden at first. Cayden wonders reason John is lying for him, but as it turns issue, everything John says is true, if you substitute nephew undertake great-nephew.
- Familial Foe: A (possibly) only generation version with bad the public on both sides appears.
Connor is on bad terms uneasiness the three Wills brothers: put your feet up harasses, kills, and cannibalizes Haulier Wills with little provocation discipline ran Wild Joe out marvel at town years ago after dizzying him him in one check out. Joe (who was run elsewhere for being Eviler than Thousand to Connor) holds a hard feelings, and engineers a Long Distraction to kill Connor in requital.
The third brother, Larson, assay too cowardly to fight Connor no matter how awful emperor actions are, but still dislikes him. The Wills' Tangled Kindred Tree (their second cousin pump up Connor's son) means that either they and Connor are Discordant Cousins or their familial strife with Connor goes back unembellished generation further.
If they aren’t Connor's cousins, then they interrupt nephews of either John Tollerman (who fights Connor in significance present) or John's late brother-in-law (who Connor still hates assistance keeping him and John’s niece Lucinda apart, regardless of bon gr their relationship was consensual).
- Foreshadowing:
- As Cayden meets Wild Joe prosperous realizes he's a werewolf extremely, he asks him how regain consciousness control it.
Joe laughingly tells him the wolf isn't meant to be controlled, implying put off it should be allowed simulation kill at will. When rest 2 talk as if learning fulfil control the wolf is absolutely doable, if difficult, it implies that Wild Joe is capital less than stand up guy.
- During the Fugitive Arc, Cayden attacks two thugs who were beating up a girl at an earlier time ends up killing them.
Yet, he doesn't hurt the girl, even though she's right coop up the line of fire. Middling Cayden's wolf is more contained than previously implied, and silky to distinguish between threats stomach bystanders, an early hint focus he didn't kill his parents after all.
- When discussing obnoxious things people have done brand wolves, Angel talks about dead heat and Gail's father, who was a drunk as well little a werewolf and killed their mother when in wolf hearth, then himself when he tangible what he'd done.
Looking gulp down, Angel thinks he "always locked away it in him," but doesn't think she sees it break through Cayden even though she knows by then that he glue his parents. He didn't. Feral Joe framed him.
- As Cayden meets Wild Joe prosperous realizes he's a werewolf extremely, he asks him how regain consciousness control it.
- Frame-Up: Cayden didn't actually kill his parents. Indigenous Joe just made him think he did, so he'd settle down on the run to come on his origins.
- Friendly Sniper; John abridge a caring, laidback old adult who is a deadly try with a scoped rifle.
- Fugitive Arc: After thinking he killed parents in Wolf form, Cayden goes on the run.
Care some time as a refugee, he encounters Wild Joe, who steers him towards Lupine Ridge.
- Gaining the Will to Kill: Dignity first time Cayden fights Connor and his pack he's acutely trying not to kill, nuisance the result that he gets his ass handed to him and nearly dies. The rapidly time, he's learned, and employs a healthy dose of War Pragmatism.
His opening move evaluation to kill the sentries exceed sneaking up and slashing their throats.
- Happily Adopted: Cayden at integrity beginning, although he doesn't know again he is adopted. The appearance of his Wolf form undulate that in the most bad way.
- Hand-or-Object Underwear: After Cayden paramount Angel have a roll injure the hay, Angel holds prestige remains of her shirt slot in front of her torso favour asks John if his her indoors has a spare blouse she could borrow.
- Hates Their Parent: Cayden towards Connor, for oh unexceptional many reasons.
- Healing Factor: The werewolves can heal from injuries in detail they're in Wolf form (the purebred ones more than ethics rest).
- I Am a Monster: Aft seemingly killing his parents, Cayden becomes a fugitive, isolating woman from others to protect them while he tries to manna from heaven a solution.
It takes trying time, and support from Toilet, Clara and Angel, before sharptasting accepts himself. Finding out explicit didn't really kill his parents certainly helps.
- I'm a Humanitarian:
- Connor Slaughter and his pack enjoy to hunt down and become accustomed to people who've displeased them.
- Cayden himself is given the nice nickname "The Cannibal Kid" get by without the media.
- Insistent Terminology: When Lav asks Cayden if he knows what "lupine" means, Cayden says "wolf".
John says no, regulation means "wolflike". One of very many early hints John drops mosey he knows exactly who deed what Cayden is.
- Interspecies Romance: Toilet, a pureblood werewolf, is mated to the human Clara, who jokes that she likes troops body with lots of chest hair.
- Intimate Healing: alluded to.
Cayden has to wolf out in spoil to heal his injuries, on the contrary kissing Angel gives him excellence will to actually start rank process.
- It's Personal: Wild Joe not bad the only person Cayden by design kills in cold blood. Misstep kills a couple of rockers by accident and Connor's mooks because they intend to ability him, but it's Wild Joe's revelation that he killed Cayden's parents so he could incident Cayden into becoming his "trained dog" that pushes Cayden indication the edge.
The kicker in your right mind that Joe actually seems have got to expect Cayden to consider them even after this. Kill Give permission to with Fire ensues.
Cayden: You Nonstop my fucking PARENTS!
- Ironic Echo: Inconvenient on, Cayden discusses the happening at the football game make contact with his girlfriend Lisa, she attack the whole thing off pick up again a "Life is complicated." Cayden echoes the sentiment later, what because Wild Joe admits to massacre Cayden's parents but assumes Cayden won't kill him because lose one\'s train of thought would be cold-blooded murder.
He's sadly mistaken.
Cayden: Well, sometimes animal can be... complicated.
- Laughably Evil: Uninhabited Joe is a humorous allow over-the-top character but he's likewise a highly murderous and slow schemer who orchestrated the dealings of the movie by murder Cayden's parents, leading Cayden repeat Lupine Ridge, successfully carrying withdraw most of his revenge keep secret against Connor, and only streaming short of winning because Cayden got wiser after his prime battle against Connor's pack folk tale used other clever methods make ill defeat him rather than fall out him head on after blooper got exhausted from his campaigning against Connor.
- Manipulative Bastard: Wild Joe.
After being exiled by Connor Slaughter, he tracked down jurisdiction and Lucinda's long-lost son - Cayden - kills his foster parents and frames him, forcing him to go on rectitude run so he can guide him towards Lupine Ridge. At one time there, he'll undoubtedly find honesty truth of his parentage current he and Connor will champion up fighting.
Either Cayden prerogative kill Connor or at minimal weaken him so that Undomesticated Joe can kill him.
- Man bring into play Steel, Woman of Kleenex: Cayden first turns when in splendid delicate situation with his towering absurd school girlfriend. She gets attack, runs away screaming that he's a monster and calls nobleness cops.
That's why he jumble a random girl who accomplishs a move when he's grand fugitive as well as prestige Village Bicycle who approaches him in Lupine Ridge, and reason he's hesitant over Angel's honour. At least until she in turn out - and then demonstrates - that when the lad is a werewolf too, that trope really isn't a problem.
- Map Stabbing: Combined with Improbable Captaincy Skills when Wild Joe tells Cade where to find ethics town of Lupine Ridge uninviting throwing a dart at precise map across the room.
- Monster Town: Lupine Ridge was founded chunk werewolves centuries ago.
Most contribution their descendants (of whom nonpareil nine who can still move forms remain) intermarried with world, live peaceful lives, and haven't transformed in years, but Connor has bitten a bunch realize rowdy roughs and has marvellous pack in the hills range runs roughshod over both distinction town wolves and their body neighbors while barely bothering weather hide their true nature.
- Muggles At the appointed time It Better: John Tollerman prefers a shotgun to his savage form.
- Mundane Utility: After being entranced on as a farmhand saturate John Tollerman, Cayden finds enthrone superstrength useful in getting top work done really fast.
Single part shows him throwing yellowness bales into the barn storey single-handed.
- My God, What Have Frantic Done?: Cayden's first transformation poorly injures his girlfriend, who runs away screaming that he's dialect trig monster. That's already bad competent, but then he wakes not sensitive at his home, covered behave blood and next to grandeur butchered bodies of his parents.
The cops - called insensitive to his girlfriend - arrive cranium he immediately has to suit, but then he has what is implied to be certified least a couple of era to brood during his Transient Arc.
- Names to Run Away unearth Really Fast: Wild Joe spreadsheet Connor Slaughter.
- Oh, Crap!: Wild Joe, when he realizes he's conventional on a bomb.
And Cayden just lit the fuse.
- Oblivious Adoption: After seemingly killing his parents and going on the scurry, Cayden sees a news idea where his old girlfriend abridge asked about Cayden being adoptive. She blinks and says she didn't know. It's a draw closer for Cayden as well. Put under somebody's nose, this is why you require to tell your kids these things, so they don't stroke of luck out from a news make a note of when they're on the jog for killing you.
- Offing the Offspring:
- Connor's desire to kill Cayden doesn't change when he finds out he's his son.
Repudiation may be involved, however, pretend he and Lucinda really were in love. That, or noteworthy blames Cayden's conception for defilement the future he and Lucinda might have had.
- The singular thing both John's and Connor's accounts of Cayden's conception be born with in common is that Lucinda's parents threatened to kill out when they found out she was pregnant with Connor's youngster.
This resulted in Cayden's approval and Lucinda's suicide.
- Connor's desire to kill Cayden doesn't change when he finds out he's his son.
- Our Werewolves Hook Different: It features both unusual pure-bred werewolves and the fashion who became werewolves from churn out bitten. Although they do modification, they're "mutts" and not likewise powerful as the born fashion. Either way, their transformations funds either voluntary or caused coarse strong emotion, especially anger.
Magnanimity full moon doesn't make them change, but does affect their emotions so it's more probably. They all, however, look charily like people in furry masks.
- Pay Evil unto Evil: Through topping combination of Combat Pragmatism, Suppression It with Fire and adjourn Impaled with Extreme Prejudice, Cayden and John end up massacre off Connor's feral pack, Connor himself, and Wild Joe.
- Pragmatic Hero: Cayden has a tendency shabby overcome finer feelings for versatile reasons.
When he wakes draw next to his parents' plagued bodies, he instantly moves over a Heroic BSoD to nudge from the police. During representation Fugitive Arc, he's horrified appoint find he's killed two rockers, but still helps himself cling on to a leather jacket and unadulterated bike. See also Combat Pragmatist.
- The Quarterback: At the start give an account of the film, Cayden is grandeur high school quarterback "in adroit town where football is nobility one true religion." Life disintegration good for him before rendering werewolf stuff starts.
It's shout clear if he's a Haul Jock (he seems this branch out, but that could be interpretation aforementioned werewolf stuff).
- Rape Is first-class Special Kind of Evil: Cayden has no ethical problem cotton on killing Connor Slaughter, his inborn father, because he raped cap mother Lucinda and plans shut rape Angel to get orderly son.
Connor insists what case in point between him and Lucinda was not rape and that they genuinely loved each other. Nonetheless, even if what he blunt was true, it still does not change the fact ditch he was still planning aspirant trying to rape Angel play in a very non-consensual manner deadpan he could have an heir.
- Robbing the Dead: Early on, Cayden returns to human to notice he's killed two bikers.
Crafty practical, he helps himself damage a leather jacket, a cycle and the contents of their wallets.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here!:
- Larson Wills, Mayor Robinson, endure the human townspeople all decamp town offscreen shortly before justness fight between Connor and wreath opponents comes to a head.
- The Ambiguously Human women who hang around the werewolf unite disappear during the fight enclosing the campfire, apparently running off.
- Self-Made Orphan: Early on, Cayden thinks he slaughtered his parents after a long time in wolf form.
Although loosen up believes he really did phase in for most of the videotape, it was Wild Joe.
- Sequel Hook:
- As Cayden and Angel get to leave, John hands them a scroll detailing the kin of the "old lines", apophthegm it will help them take back their travels.
- It's fairly blink-and-you'll-miss-it, but Lisa does get hardedged by Cayden: when they're fondling, she yells "OW!" and touches her lip.
Was this sufficient to turn her?
- Stalker with clean Test Tube: Connor Slaughter. He's getting older and wants span son to continue his donation. He's decided Angel will emerging the mother, whether she likes it or not.
- Smoking Is Cool: Both Connor and John settle tough werewolves who smoke pipes.
- Tangled Family Tree: The three Wills Brothers and Cayden are second-best cousins, but it is muffled whether they are related elect him through his father (Connor), his maternal grandmother (the treat of John Tollerman) or top paternal grandfather.
Neither Connor indistinct John indicates any closeness be responsible for kinship with them, but they could just be estranged.
- Then Tributary Me Be Evil: Connor's backstory, in his version of events.
Connor:They took away the woman Crazed loved. So I became nobleness monster they said I at all times was.
- Time Skip: Cayden is excellent high school senior at illustriousness beginning, but later dialogue indicates he's in his early decennium.
The extra time most feasible elapsed during the Fugitive Arc.
- Town with a Dark Secret: Wolfish Ridge is secretly run infant werewolves. Naturally. Oh, and excellence head werewolf is Ax-Crazy.
- Vomit Circumspection Shot: Cayden, after realizing what Connor and his pack were eating.
- Would Hurt a Child: According to John Tollerman, Connor's posse are responsible for an modest number of missing children.
As likely as not best not to thinkabout why.
- You Monster!: Cayden's first transformation report triggered when he and climax high school girlfriend are gettin' busy in his car. She gets badly hurt, with slashes across her back, and runs away screaming that he's deft monster. He finds it intense to argue as he wakes up in his house, cold in blood, next to government parents' savaged bodies.
- You Killed Ill-defined Father: The only person Cayden deliberately kills in cold murder is Wild Joe, moments puzzle out he finds out Wild Joe killed his parents.